Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre
S Organizational Behavior
(WS-16-B-06, 6 LP, limited enrollment capacities, placements)
Bachelor Thesis
For writing a thesis with the IPA, enrollment in the according seminar is mandatory. Advice for writing a thesis can be found in our guidelines in german. An overview of previous theses can be found in our theses-archive (also in German).
Master Betriebswirtschaftslehre
V/Ü Multivariate Data analysis
(WS-23-B-57, 4 LP)
V International Human Resource Management
(WS-22-B-62, 6 LP)
Master Thesis
For writing a thesis with the IPA, enrollment in the according seminar is mandatory. Advice for writing a thesis can be found in our guidelines in german. An overview of previous theses can be found in our theses-archive (also in German).
Interdisciplinary studies
WP Advanced Negotiation
Limited enrollment capacities
(ISA 00519)
Advanced Studies
Civil-Military Interaction (M.A.)
Master Program
European Human Resource Management
Letzte Änderung: 17. November 2021