Postal address
Helmut Schmidt University
P.O. Box 70 08 22
22008 Hamburg
Visitor address
Helmut Schmidt University
Building H4
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Short Biography
September 2020: Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena with the thesis: “Kinetisch konstruktiver Neuhumanismus. Zur Geschichte der pädagogischen Kunsttheorie László Moholy-Nagys”
Since May 2020: Research assistant to the Professorship of Education with a Focus on the History of Ideas and Historical Discourse Analysis (Prof. Esther Berner), Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
Since 2019: Freelancer at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin
2019–2021: Lecturer at the TU Braunschweig
January 2016 to December 2018: PhD scholarship from the Freistaat Thüringen (LGS)
2011–2014: Studies on the Master’s programme “Education – Culture – Anthropology” at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the University of Vienna
2008–2011 Studies in Educational Science and Sociology (B.A.) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Research Focus
The theory of education
The history and theory of aesthetic education as well as historical avant-garde movements
Methodology (especially hermeneutics, historiography and the critique of ideology)
Historical and systematic studies on (aesthetic) aspects within the history of pedagogical ideas and problems (e.g. architecture, photography, humour, narration, camouflage)
Letzte Änderung: 6. October 2022