The project deals with the digitalisation of non-statutory welfare organisations. It investigates how (the expectation of) changing data infrastructures resonate in and affect these organisations, focusing on the organisational structures that are emphasized, addressed or transformed in digitalisation processes. Together with scholars from the KPM Center for Public Management, at the University of Bern, we explore these processes in cooperation with up to 20 small and medium-sized non-profit organisations (NPOs) in the German and Swiss welfare sector, specifically in the field of integration and child and youth welfare. We conduct an extensive interview study to explore and assess the current needs of these organisations with regard to digitalisation phenomena. The goal is twofold. First, we aim to contribute to current research in organisation studies by studying the interdependence of organisational change and management approaches in the changing social and technological environment of today’s small welfare organisations. Second, we offer to support these organisations in planning and realising digitalisation processes.
Project duration: 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2024, extended to 31.12.2026
Principal investigator
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Scheytt
Helmut-Schmidt-University |
University of the Federal Armed Forces
Department of Management Accounting and Control
E-Mail: [email protected]
Co-Principal Investigator
Dr. Jaromir Junne
Helmut-Schmidt-University |
University of the Federal Armed Forces
Department of Management Accounting and Control
Tel.: +49 40 6541-2373
E-Mail: [email protected]
Cooperation partner
University Bern (CH)
KPM Center for Public Management
Prof. Claus Jacobs, PhD
Project Staff
Dorina Kurta
Felix Genth
Lukas Lahme
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität |
Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Department of Management Accounting and Control
Former Project members:
Dr. Vera Linke
now at the Institute of Management Accounting and Control at the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Maximilian Einhaus
Helmut-Schmidt-University |
University of the Federal Armed Forces
Department of Management Accounting and Control
Student assistants in the project
Lucas Ziebarth
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität |
Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Institut für Controlling und Unternehmensrechnung
Ehemalige Hilfskräfte:
Sofya Kvasha
Kommunale Hochschule für Verwaltung in Niedersachsen HSVN / Institut für Controlling und Unternehmensrechnung an der HSU
Janes Winkler
Niclas Nahrwold
Lennart Deisen
Julian Peikert
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität |
Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Institut für Controlling und Unternehmensrechnung
Letzte Änderung: 11. September 2024