Dr. Vanessa S. Bernauer

Post doctoral researcher and lecturer


Room no.:
104, H4
Phone no.:
040 6541 3665
Visiting address
Building H4
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Mailing address
Chair of Human Resource Management
PO Box 70 08 22
22008 Hamburg

Dr. Vanessa S. Bernauer completed her doctorate on the topic of diversity and (in)equality in organizations from a critical perspective at the Chair of Human Resource Management at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. With a focus on organization, HR, and business law, she studied Business Administration at the Freie Universität Berlin (Bachelor of Science) and at the FernUniversität Hagen (Master of Science).

She conducts research on diversity, equality, inclusion, and identity in organizations. She focuses on various aspects of doing differences and diversity as well as special contexts of work, management, and organizations.

Her work has been published in leading international journals such as Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ) or Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal (EDI). As a guest editor she co-edits Special Issues with (inter)national colleagues, e.g., in EDI. She has conceptualized and conducted courses and workshops in academia and for specialists and executives on equality, diversity and inclusion issues. In doing so, she brought together well-known (inter)national scholars for the Academy of Management (AOM) or the Master’s program Leading Diversity. She gained research and work experience in (inter)national teams and collaborations.

Social Media
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by arrangement

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Career

05/2024 – 12/2024: Post doctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Barbara Sieben) at the Department of Humanities and Social Science, Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

12/2016 – 05/2024: Doctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Barbara Sieben) at the Department of Humanities and Social Science, Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

10/2010 – 11/2016: Student Assistant at the Chair of Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Barbara Sieben) at the Department of Humanities and Social Science, Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

Academic Education

05/2024: Dr. phil. Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Barbara Sieben), Helmut-Schmidt-University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg; Cumulative dissertation: Diversity and (in)equality in organizations: A critical perspective on doing differences, https://doi.org/10.24405/16418

11/2016: Master of Science Economic Science FernUniversität in Hagen
Master thesis: Dienstleistungs-Luxusarbeit: Die Rolle von Emotionen, Schichten und Gender

09/2013: Bachelor of Science Business Administration –  Freie Universität Berlin
Bachelor thesis: Paradoxien von Luxusarbeit. Eine empirische Studie zum First Class Service im Luftverkehr

Further Academic Education

04/2021: “Introduction to SPSS – Program Interface of the Statistical Software and Analysis Methods of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics”, led by Dr. Elke Goltz at Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces (4 days)

04/2019: VHB-ProDok „Qualitative research methods“, Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Prof. Dr. Jana Costas and Prof. Dr. Markus Reihlen (4 days)

06/2017: Forschungswerkstatt „Intersectional Multi-level analysis in research practice“, Kathrin Ganz, Jette Hausotter and Prof. Dr. Gabriele Winker, Hamburg University of Technology (3 days)

Work Experience

03/2007 – 09/2022 : Flight Attendant Deutsche Lufthansa AG

12/2006 – 01/2015: Service at Cassiopeia Berlin

12/2006 – 02/2007: Assistant Manager of the Breakfast-service at The Mandala Management GmbH am Potsdamer Platz

Education and Training

2004 – 2006: Apprenticeship Hotel Management at “The Mandala Management GmbH” Berlin

2004: Higher education entrance qualification (A-levels) Goethe Oberschule Gymnasium Berlin

Research and Publications

Main Research Interests 
Service work, especially luxury work
Gender, Diversity & Inclusion Management
Emotions- und aesthetic labor
Critical Management Studies

Cumulative dissertation

Bernauer, V. S. (2024). Diversity and (in)equality in organizations: A critical perspective on doing differences [Dissertation, Helmut-Schmidt-University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg]. OpenHSU. https://doi.org/10.24405/16418

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Bernauer, V. S., & Kornau, A. (2024). E-voice in the digitalised workplace. Insights from an alternative organisation. Human Resource Management Journal, 34(2), 369-385. https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12460 

Bernauer, V. S. (2023). Reflections on the evolution of a long-term study of airline cultures: An interview with Albert J. Mills and Jean Helms Mills. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(4), 469-479. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-09-2021-0237

Bernauer, V. S., Bhati, A., & Thirumaran, K (2023). Guest editorial: (In)equalities in hospitality and tourism – Exploring diversity and equity issues. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(4), 465-468. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-05-2023-37

Bernauer, V. S., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2023). “You can call me Susan!” Doing gendered-class work in luxury service encounters. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(4), 494-511. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-10-2021-0272

Kornau, A., Bernauer, V. S., Mucha, A., Rastetter, D., Schmucker, S., & Sieben, B. (2022). Editorial. Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt: Hindernisse und Chancen mit Blick auf Chancengleichheit, Diversität und Inklusion [Editorial. Digitalization of work: Barriers and benefits for equality, diversity and inclusion]. Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management, 7(1), 3-7. https://doi.org/10.3224/zdfm.v7i1.01 

Bernauer, V., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2017). Dienstleistungsarbeit im Luxussegment: Die Rolle von Emotionen, Schichtzugehörigkeit und Geschlecht [Service Work in the luxury sector: The role of emotions, social class and gender]. Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management, 2(1), 77-81. https://doi.org/10.3224/zdfm.v2i1.11 

Editorial work

Bernauer, V. S., Bhati, A., & Thirumaran, K (Eds.) (2023). Special issue: (In)equalities in hospitality & tourism – Exploring diversity and equity issues. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(4).

Kornau, A., Bernauer, V. S., Mucha, A., Rastetter, D., Schmucker, S., & Sieben, B. (Hrsg.) (2022). Schwerpunktthema „Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt: Hindernisse und Chancen mit Blick auf Chancengleichheit, Diversität und Inklusion“ [Special Issue “Digitalization of work: Barriers and benefits for equality, diversity and inclusion”]. Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management, 7(1).

Other publications

Book chapters:

Bernauer, V. S., & Deal, N. M. (forthcoming). Gender research on airlines. In J. Helms Mills, A. J. Mills, K. S. Williams, & R. Bendl (Hrsg.), Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender and Management (pp. 206-207). Elgar.

Deal, N. M., & Bernauer, V. S. (forthcoming). Albert J. Mills and Jean Helms Mills. In J. Helms Mills, A. J. Mills, K. S. Williams, & R. Bendl (Hrsg.), Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender and Management (pp. 29-30). Elgar.

Sieben, B., Bernauer, V. S., & Haunschild, A. (forthcoming). Gendered class work. In J. Helms Mills, A. J. Mills, K. S. Williams, & R. Bendl (Hrsg.), Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender and Management (pp. 216-17). Elgar.

Swart, M. P., Bernauer, V. S., & Thirumaran, K. (2024). Women’s education in tourism entrepreneurship. Trends and issues emerging from Africa. In A. M. Morrison, & D. Buhalis (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism. Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology (pp. 220-231). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003291763-22

Swart, M. P., Bernauer, V. S., & Thirumaran, K. (2024). Women’s entrepreneurship in the hospitality and tourism industry: A systematic literature review and future research directions. In M. P. Swart, W. Cai, E. C. L. Yang, & A. N. Kimbu (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Gender in Tourism. Views on Teaching, Research and Praxis (pp. 270-288). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003286721-24

Bernauer, V., & Mucha, A. (2019). Reflexion von Diversität im Kontext der Hochschullehre in einer explorativen Lernumgebung – Erfahrungen aus einem hochschuldidaktischen Workshop [Reflecting on diversity in the context of university teaching in an exploratory learning environment – Experiences from a university didactic workshop]. In C. Schomaker & M. Oldenburg (Hrsg.), Forschen, Reflektieren, Bilden. Forschendes Lernen in der diversitätssensiblen Hochschulbildung [Studying, reflecting, educating. Research-based learning in diversity-sensitive higher education] (S. 88-100). Schneider.

Conference proceedings:

Klarsfeld, A., Rajendran, D., Benschop, Y., Bernauer, V., Dahanayake, P., Mahalingam, R., Merriweather Woodson, T.J., Nkomo, S.M., Rodriguez, J.K., Van Den Brink, M.C.L., Verloo, M., & Woods, D. (2019). Exploring the relationship between intersectionality and inclusion: A research agenda. Academy of Management Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2019.14145symposium 

Book reviews:

Bernauer, V., & Kornau, A. (2020). Rezension von [Review of]: Jungwirth, Ingrid / Bauschke-Urban, Carola (Hrsg.): Gender and Diversity Studies, European Perspectives. Opladen. Barbara Budrich 2019. Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue 19(3). https://www.klinkhardt.de/ewr/978384740549.html


Presentations of peer-reviewed conference papers:

Bernauer, V. S., Joecks, J., Reimer, T., & Tamm, G., (2023, July). Lesbian leaders – Surfing the rainbow to the top. 39th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Cagliari.

Kornau, A., & Bernauer, V. S. (2022, October): Navigating boundaries of inclusion. Practices and inherent tensions. 12th International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Cádiz.

Kornau, A., & Bernauer, V. S. (2022, September): Negotiating boundaries of diversity and inclusion. Practices and inherent paradoxes. Autumn Workshop of the Section Personnel in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Berlin.

Bernauer, V. S., Tamm, G., Joecks, J., & Reimer, T. (2022, August). The diversity of gay leaders: Superpower or curse? 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Seattle (hybrid).

Bernauer, V. S., Joecks, J., Reimer, T., & Tamm, G. (2022, March). Dealing with sexual orientation as an invisible stigma in organizations. 24th Colloquium on Personnel Economics (COPE), Aarhus.

Kornau, A., & Bernauer, V. S. (2021, September). An explorative case study of diversity and inclusion in alternative organizations. Workshop of the Section Organization in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Lueneburg (virtual).

Bernauer, V. S., & Kornau, A. (2020, September). Inclusion through e-voice? An explorative case study of an internet collective. Autumn Workshop of the Section Personnel in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Duesseldorf.

Bernauer, V., & Kornau A. (2020, July). An explorative case study of diversity and inclusion in alternative organizations. 36th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Hamburg (virtual).

Bernauer, V. (2019, August). Just beauties of the skies? An intersectional perspective on first class flight attendants. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston.

Bernauer, V. (2018, September). Just beauties of the skies? An intersectional perspective on first class flight attendants. Autumn Workshop of the Section Personnel in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Munich.

Bernauer, V. (2018, July). An intersectional perspective on service workers in the luxury sector. 34th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Tallinn.

Bernauer, V., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2017, December). Emotions in luxury work: Their connection to class and gender. 12th Asia Pacific Symposium on Emotions in Worklife (APSEW), Melbourne.

Bernauer, V., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2017, October). Emotions in luxury work: Their connection to class and gender. 5th Workshop of the Critical Organization Research Forum, Duisburg-Essen.

Bernauer, V., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2017, September). Emotions in luxury work: Their connection to class and gender. Autumn Workshop of the Section Personnel in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Paderborn.

Bernauer, V., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2017, July). Emotions in luxury work: Their connection to class and gender. 33rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Copenhagen.

Bernauer, V., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2016, January). Service work in the luxury sector: The role of emotions, class and gender. Symposium „State, Work, and Affects“, Vienna.

Organization of scientific workshops:

Thirumaran, K, & Bernauer, V. S. (2020, December). Paper Hackathon: Equity issues in hospitality & tourism (H&T). Exploring (in)equalities. 8th International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA) Biennial Conference, Jakarta & Singapore (hybrid). https://itsaconference2020.com/paper-hackathon/

Bernauer, V. S., Bhati, A., & Thirumaran, K. (2020, August). Professional Development Workshop (PDW): Equity issues in hospitality & tourism (H&T). Exploring (in)equalities (Panellists: J. Helms Mills, A. J. Mills, D. Nickson, R. Ortlieb, A. Schneider, A. Trupp, & C. Warhurst). 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver (virtual). https://my.aom.org/Program2020V/ > Program Session: 449

Bernauer, V. S., Joecks, J., Reimer, T., & Tamm, G. (2020, August). Professional Development Workshop (PDW): Sexual orientation & leadership. Constraints & vehicles for aspiring LGB leaders (Panellists: R. A. Berkley, T. Köllen, S. Pichler, R. Trau, & J. Webster). 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver (virtual). https://my.aom.org/Program2020V/ > Program Session: 28

Other presentations at scientific conferences and workshops:

Swart, M. P., Bernauer, V. S., & Thirumaran, K. (2022, July): Women’s entrepreneurship in the hospitality and tourism industry: A systematic literature review and future research directions. Virtual Research Seminar Series of the Asia Pacific Centre for Hospitality Research (APCHR) (virtual).

Tamm, G., Bernauer, V. S., Reimer, T., & Joecks, J. (2021, November). Keynote: The diversity of gay leaders – justice league extended. 9th Prout at Work Conference (virtual). https://konferenz.proutatwork.de/konferenz-2021/

Bernauer, V. (2018, September). Social inequalities or privileges in the skies?! An intersectional perspective on first class flight attendants. Conference and Network Meeting of Diversity Researchers from the D-A-CH Regions, Munich.

Bernauer, V. (2018, September). Paper discussion: Social inequalities or privileges in the skies?! An intersectional perspective on first class flight attendants. Conference and Network Meeting of Diversity Researchers from the D-A-CH Regions (PhD Workshop), Munich.

Bernauer, V. (2018, July). Paper discussion: Luxury work, gender and diversity. 34th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium (PhD Workshop), Tallinn.

Bernauer, V., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2018, February). Gender stereotyping in luxury work: Their influence on emotions and class. University-Industry Workshop Knowledge Management & Gender, Potsdam.

Bernauer, V., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2017, December). Paper discussion: Emotions in luxury work: Their connection to class and gender. Emotions and Cognitions in the Rough (ECR) Workshop of the 31st Annual Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, Melbourne.

Bernauer, V. (2017, September). Paper discussion: An intersectional perspective on service workers in the luxury sector. Conference and Network Meeting of Diversity Researchers from the D-A-CH Regions (Diversity-PhD Workshop), Goettingen.

Bernauer, V., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2016, September). Service work in the luxury sector: The role of emotions, class and gender. Conference and Network Meeting of Diversity Researchers from the D-A-CH Regions, Hannover.

Bernauer, V. (2016, September). Paper discussion: Service work in the luxury sector: The role of emotions, class and gender. Conference and Network Meeting of Diversity Researchers from the D-A-CH Regions (PhD Workshop), Hannover.



DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service: Travel subsidy in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022

BKS, Böttcher-Kongress-Stipendium: Travel subsidy in 2017


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal

Human Resource Management Journal

Personnel Review

Urban Planning

Networks and Affiliations

AOM – Academy of Mangement

EFAS – Economics Feminism and Science

EGOS – European Group of Organization Studies

EMONET – Emotions Network

Netzwerk Gender Studies, DIW Berlin

VHB – German Academic Association for Business Research, Sections Personnel (PERS), Organization (ORG) and Service Management (DLM)

Lectureships, Workshops and Education


Lectureship at Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces

  • Supervision of Bachelor- and Master Theses, since 2017
  • Lectures in Human Resources within the Bachelor and Master Program “Education Sciences”:
    • Bachelor, Functions and Tools of Human Resource Management 1-3 (2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2024)
    • Bachelor, Introduction to Scientific Work in Educational Sciences 1-2 (2022)
    • Master, Research Perspectives Labor, Employees and Organizations (2021 and 2022)
    • Master, Research Seminar Labor, Human Resources and Organization 1-2 – International Human Resource Management (2021)

Lectureships at other Institutions 

04/2022 – 07/2022 Block seminar: „Introduction to Human Resource Management”, Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten, Germany

06/2021 – 07/2021 Block seminar: „Introduction to Human Resource Management”, Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten, Germany

02/2019 Block seminar: „Gender and Diversity Awareness at Management and Executive Level“, Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Suderburg, Germany

Workshops and Further Education

Workshops and Further Education for Specialists and Executives

09/2023 & 12/2024 Conception and conduction: Trainee-Executive Workshop (2 days) „Equal Opportunities and Diversity“ at the German Federal Ministry of Finance (Bundesfinanzministerium (BMF)), as part of the trainee program of the Centre for Postgraduate Education at Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg with Dr. Angela Kornau

09/2021 Conception and conduction: Executive Workshop (2 days) „Diversity and Equal Opportunities“ at the German Air Fore Technical Training Centre in Faßberg, Germany with Dr. Angela Kornau, https://www.hsu-hh.de/weiterbildung/workshop-zur-chancengerechtigkeit 

09/2021 Conception and conduction: Executive-Workshop (1 day) „Leading diversity, leading digitally“ Leadership@Helmholtz kompakt with Prof. Dr. Barbara Sieben, Sylt, Germany https://www.hsu-hh.de/hrm-pol/fuehrungskraefte-workshop-leading-diversity-leading-digitally-leadershiphelmholtz-kompakt-2021

06/2018 Conception and conduction: Workshop „Gender and Diversity in University Lectures“ at the 6th Diversity Day, Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces with Dr. Anna Much

Further Education at the Centre for Postgraduate Education of the Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces

  • Course Coordination of the Master Program „Leading Diversity“, (M-LeaD), 2019 – 2020
  • Lectures in Master Programs 

10/2019 – 03/2020 Conception and conduction: M-LeaD „Master’s Module“

07 – 09/2019 Conception and conduction: M-LeaD Module „Diversity Management Instruments“

09/2019 M-LeaD Module examination: „Research Workshop Diversity“

01/2019 Guest lecturing (2 days): „Diversity – From Politics to Programmatic History of Origins, Conceptions, and Classifications in Science and practice“ (module „Diversity Management“), Master program „Leadership in Medicine”

08/2018 Guest lecturing (1 day): „Presentation of an Example of Qualitative Research“ (part of the seminar „Communication and Conversational Skills/Qualitative Research Methods“), Master program „Leadership in Medicine”

Other Workshops

04/2016 Conception and conduction: Workshop „We are [deivörs]! Explore Diversity“ at the Girls Day, Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces with Beatrice Anhalt und Dominique Langner


Letzte Änderung: 16. October 2024