Researcher and Lecturer
Wiebke Frieß is a researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Human Resource Management at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. She studied sociology, gender studies, history and political science with a focus on diversity and social inequalities. In her dissertation project, she analyzed the strategic implementation of diversity management in an organization. To this end, she (re)constructed the processes of producing (personnel) diversity in the context of measures taken to addresses diversity. Previously, she worked on the research project “Participation through Crowdworking” funded by BMAS (Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), which investigated the opportunities and challenges of crowdwork for inclusion, and the reconciliation of unpaid care work and digital wage labor. She also has been a lecturer in the program “Personnel and Organizational Development with a Focus on Diversity” at the Zentrum für Weiterbildung at the University of Hamburg for several years.
Her work focuses on gender and diversity studies, especially in the context of human resources and organizations. Her research perspective is based on post-structuralist theoretical approaches and her methodological approach is rooted in qualitative social research. She pays particular attention to questions of diversity and inclusion in organizations, critical-intersectional perspectives on diversity discourses and diversity strategies, inclusion and participation in the context of digital work, and the application of dispositif analysis as critical organizational analysis.
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Career
Since July 2024: Researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Barbara Sieben), at the Department of Humanities and Social Science, Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
Since 2021: Lecturer in the program “Personnel and Organizational Development with a Focus on Diversity” at the Zentrum für Weiterbildung at the University of Hamburg.
06/2019-03/2022: Researcher in the BMAS-funded (Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) research project “Teilhabe durch Crowdworking: Eine Analyse der Gelingensbedingungen einer technisch-organisatorischen Innovation für Personengruppen mit erschwerter Teilhabe am Erwerbsleben [Participation through crowdworking. An analysis of the conditions required to improve participation for groups who are disadvantaged in the labor market]” (Prof. Dr. Menz, Prof. Dr. Schramm, Prof. Dr. Rastetter) at the Department of Socioeconomics at the University of Hamburg
02/2015-12/2018: Researcher and lecturer at the Professorship for Human Resources and Gender (Prof. Dr. Daniela Rastetter) at the University of Hamburg
04/2014-03/2016: Lecturer in the degree program in social work at the Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit & Diakonie – Das Rauhe Haus, Hamburg
Academic Education
2024: Doctorate (in progress) at the Department of Socioeconomics at the University of Hamburg
2014: Diploma in Sociology, Gender Studies, History and Political Science at the University of Hamburg
Main research interests and publications
Main research interests
Diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion in organizations
Organizations in the context of power, knowledge and subjectivation
Inclusion and participation in the context of (digital) work
Qualitative social research, in particular dispositif analysis
2024 submitted: Mapping Diversity (Management). Die Produktion von Vielfalt an einer Hochschule – Eine Dispositivanalyse [Mapping Diversity (Management). The production of diversity at a university – A dispositif analysis]
Publications in Journals
2017: Frieß, Wiebke: „‘Das ist nicht meine Genderforschung!‘ Ein Appell an den Mut [This is not my gender research! An appeal to courage], in: ZDfm. Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und –management, 2(2), pp. 24-28.
2017: Höppner, Judith / Frieß, Wiebke: Panel discussion: Arriving and staying, but how? – Prospects for female refugees in Hamburg, in: ZDfm. Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und –management, 2(2), pp. 126-128.
2017: Frieß, Wiebke: : Zuhören, verlernen, voneinander lernen: Die Podiumsdiskussion „Frauen auf der Flucht – Leerstellen aktueller Flüchtlingsdiskurse“ [Listening, unlearning, learning from each other: The panel discussion „Female refugees – gaps in the current discourse on refugees“], in: ZDfm. Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management, 2(1), pp. 110-112.
2015: Mucha, Anna / Frieß, Wiebke / Jarren, Jana / Rastetter, Daniela: Schützt strategisches Handeln vor den negativen Folgen von Stress? Zur Bedeutung mikropolitischer Fähigkeiten als Gesundheitsressource in entgrenzten Arbeitskontexten [Does strategic acting prevent the negative effects of stress? On the importance of political skills as a health resource in working contexts with blurring boundaries], in: Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, 24(3+4), pp. 111- 128.
2008: Frieß, Wiebke / Johannsen, Janina:
Menschenrechte + queer = ? Überlegungen zu einer queeren Intervention in den Menschenrechtsdiskurs [Human rights + queer = ? Reflections on a queer intervention in the human rights discourse], in: Frauensolidarität, 105(3), 18-19.
Contributions to anthologies and other formats
2022: Nowak, Iris / Frieß, Wiebke / Menz, Wolfgang / Rastetter, Daniela / Schramm, Florian: Teilhabe oder Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit durch Crowdwork? Empirische Einblicke in Erfahrungen von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen und Menschen mit Sorgeverpflichtungen [Participation or reproduction of social inequality through crowdwork? Empirical findings from persons with disabilities and persons with care responsibilities], Working Paper No. 71 der Fakultät für Wirtschaft- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg. Working Paper Series: Forschungslabor: Universität Hamburg (
2021: Frieß, Wiebke / Nowak, Iris: Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen als Crowdworker_innen – Inklusion in die Prekarität? [Persons with disabilities as crowdworkers – precarious inclusion?], in: Moritz Altenried, Julia Dück, Mira Wallis (Eds.): Plattformkapitalismus und die Krise der sozialen Reproduktion [Platform capitalism and the crisis of social reproduction], Münster, pp. 254-274.
2020: Mucha, Anna / Frieß, Wiebke / Rastetter, Daniela: Zwischen Entgrenzung, Subjektivierung und sozialer Interaktion. Arbeit im Kontext der Digitalisierung – Editorial [Between dissolution, subjectivation and social interaction. Work in the context of digitalization – Editorial], in: A. Mucha, W. Frieß, D. Rastetter (Eds.): Zwischen Entgrenzung, Subjektivierung und sozialer Interaktion. Arbeit im Kontext der Digitalisierung [Between dissolution, subjectivation and social interaction. Work in the context of digitalization], München, pp. 9-13.
2020: Frieß, Wiebke / Mucha, Anna: International students as learning space inventory? On the functional production of difference in the context of the university strategy Internationalization at Home – a post-structuralist analysis, in: W. Frieß, A. Mucha, D. Rastetter (Eds.): Diversity Management und seine Kontexte. Celebrate Diversity?! [Diversity Management and its contexts], Opladen, pp. 55-67.
2020: Frieß, Wiebke / Mucha, Anna/ Rastetter, Daniela: Celebrate diversity?! The significance of diversity (management) in different contexts, in: W. Frieß, A. Mucha, D. Rastetter (Eds.): Diversity Management und seine Kontexte. Celebrate Diversity?! [Diversity Management and its contexts] Opladen, pp.15-21.
Editorial Work
2020: Frieß, Wiebke / Mucha, Anna / Rastetter, Daniela 2020 (Eds.): Diversity Management und seine Kontexte. Ceberate Diversity?!, Opladen. [Diversity Management and its contexts]. Celebrate Diversity?!]
2020: Mucha, Anna / Frieß, Wiebke / Rastetter, Daniela 2020 (Eds.): Zwischen Entgrenzung, Subjektivierung und sozialer Interaktion. Arbeit im Kontext der Digitalisierung, München. [Between dissolution, subjectivation and social interaction. Work in the context of digitalization]
Conference Presentation
09/2024: »Alles so schön bunt hier« – Zur Topologie von Vielfalt auf dem Campus [‘Everything is so colourful here’ – On the topology of diversity on campus]. Presentation at the Diversity Conference „Fachtagung und wissenschaftliches Vernetzungstreffen der Diversity-Forschenden DACH“ at the University of Göttingen
11/2021: Teilhabe durch Crowdworking? Eine Analyse der Gelingensbedingungen einer Innovation für Personengruppen mit erschwerter Teilhabe am Erwerbsleben, [Participation through Crowdworking. An analysis of the conditions required to improve participation for groups who are disadvantaged in the labor market], lecture with Iris Nowak at the DIFIS-conference (Deutsches Institut für interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung) [German institute for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research]
09-10/2021: Panels at the lecture series Crowdwork im Spannungsverhältnis von Teilhabe und Prekarität [Crowdwork as a tension between participation and precarity] at the University of Hamburg
Inklusion in (digitale/atypische) Arbeit – alte Ungleichheiten oder neue Chancen? [Inclusion in (digital/atypical work – old inequalities or new opportunities?] zusammen mit JProf. Lena Hünefeld
08/2021: Teilhabechancen durch Crowdwork? Empirische Eindrücke aus einer diversen Crowd. [Participation through crowdwork? Empirical impressions from a diverse crowd], input with Iris Nowak for experts from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, online
06/2021: Neue (Un-)Gleichheiten durch Crowdwork? Empirische Eindrücke aus einer diversen Crowd [New (un)equality trough crowdwork? Empirical impressions from a diverse crowd], lecture with Iris Nowak at the Ringvorlesung “Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt” [digitalization of work] at the Technische Universität Berlin, online
05/2021: Crowdwork als prekäre Teilhabe? Erfahrungen von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen und mit Sorgeverpflichtungen, [Crowdwork as precarious participation? Experiences of persons with disabilities and care responsibilities], lecture with Iris Nowak at a sociological research colloquium at the University of Hamburg, online
05/2021: Crowdwork – Gute Arbeit für Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen? [Crowdwork – Good work for persons with disabilities?], lecture with Prof. Dr. Florian Schramm at the annual conference of the Arbeitskreis Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung [working group for empirical personnel and organizational research] at the Europa Universität Flensburg, online
10/2020: (Un)Equal Chances in a Fragmented Crowd?, lecture with Iris Nowak at the 2nd Crowdworking Symposium, University of Paderborn, online
09/2020: Crowdwork – Teilhabechancen im digitalen Kapitalismus? [Crowdwork – Opportunities of participation in the digital capitalism?], lecture with Iris Nowak at the annual conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie [German Sociological Association], online
09/2019: Crowdwork und (soziale) Teilhabe: Ein widersprüchliches Verhältnis?, [Crowdwork and (social) participation: A contradictory relationship?], lecture with Prof. Dr. Daniela Rastetter at the annual conference of the Arbeitskreis Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung [working group for empirical personnel and organizational research] at the University of Hamburg
11/2018: (Un)Sagbarkeiten & (Un)Sichtbarkeiten: Kodieren im Diversity-Management-Dispositiv, [(Un)speakability & (un)visibility: coding in a Diversity Management dispositf], lecture at the dissertation-workshop at the University of Hamburg
05/2018: Mapping Diversity – Eine Situationsanalyse der Produktionen von Vielfalt [Mapping Diversity – A situational analysis on the production of diversity], lecture at the dissertation workshop at the University of Hamburg
04/2017: Diversity (Management) als Dispositiv [Diversity (Management) as a dispositif], lecture at the dissertation workshop at the University of Hamburg
10/2016: Produktionen von Vielfalt [Productions of Diversity], lecture at the dissertation workshop at the University of Hamburg
03/2011: First and Third Wave of Feminism in Germany, lecture on the occasion of the 100th International Women’s Day, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
09/2008: Von Heteronormativität und epistemischer Gewalt. Versuch queerer und postkolonialer Kritik am Menschenrechtsdiskurs [On heteronormativity and epistemic violence. An attempt at a queer and postcolonial critique of the human rights discourse]. Queer-feminist days in Vienna, Austria
Lectureship at Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces
Bachelor, Functions and Tools of Human Resource Management 1-3 (2024/25)
Lectureship at others institutions
Since WT 2021/22: Module “Gender and Diversity Competence” and module “Work and Organizational Psychology” as part of the program “Personnel and Organizational Development with a Focus on Diversity” at the Zentrum für Weiterbildung at the University of Hamburg
WT 2018/2019: HRM and organizational research, e-learning program at the Zentrum für Weiterbildung at the University of Hamburg
ST 2018: Gender & Diversity in organizations, seminar at the Institut für Weiterbildung at the University of Hamburg
ST 2017: Questions on Equality: Gender & Diversity in organizations, seminar at the University of Hamburg
ST 2016: Equal opportunities in organizations, lecture at the University of Hamburg
WT 2015/16: (Re)production of social inequality – gender, ‚race‘ & dis/ability in the theory and practice of social work, seminar at the Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit & Diakonie – Das Rauhe Haus
ST 2015: Equal opportunities in organizations, lecture at the University of Hamburg
ST 2015: Gender, ‚race‘ & interdependencies– political interventions and challenges in social work, seminar at the Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit & Diakonie – Das Rauhe Haus
ST 2014: Difference or heterogeneity? (Re)production of social inequality – gender, ‚race‘ & dis/ability in social work theory and practice, seminar at the Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit & Diakonie – Das Rauhe Haus
Letzte Änderung: 13. November 2024