This chair is specialized in research about work, human resource, and the organization; it is rooted in the social sciences, interdisciplinary and internationally oriented. Its output is theoretically and methodically multiparadigmatic embedded in the philosophy of critical management research. These critical and politically-oriented approaches, draw attention to organizations with a plurality of interest and hegemonic structures, in which individual and collective actors seek to assert their interests, as well as discourses and discursive practices. Within this framework “Personnel”, Human Resource strategies and personnel structures are byproducts taking recourse from social structures. Interests and resources of the stakeholders, conflicts and power effects of management practices are just as central categories of analysis, such as the efficiency and effectiveness of practices and concepts of human resource management.
We focus on features of work and working conditions (e.g. emotion work, service work), with personnel policies and practices (e.g. professional and managerial binding, employment of persons with a migrant background, age management) and with processes and structures of the organization in their context of social phenomena and institutions (e.g., worker participation, staff diversity / Diversity and Equal Opportunities).
Recent publications
Swart, M. P., Bernauer, V. S., & Thirumaran, K. (2024). Women’s education in tourism entrepreneurship. Trends and issues emerging from Africa. In A. M. Morrison, & D. Buhalis (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism. Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology (pp. 220-231). Routledge.
Swart, M. P., Bernauer, V. S., & Thirumaran, K. (2024). Women’s entrepreneurship in the hospitality and tourism industry: A systematic literature review and future research directions. In M. P. Swart, W. Cai, E. C. L. Yang, & A. N. Kimbu (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Gender in Tourism. Views on Teaching, Research and Praxis (pp. 270–288). Routledge.
Bernauer, V. S., & Kornau, A. (2024). E-voice in the digitalised workplace. Insights from an alternative organisation. Human Resource Management Journal, 34(2), 369–385.
Kornau, A., Knappert, L., Tatli, A., & Sieben, B. (2023). Contested fields of equality, diversity and inclusion at work: An institutional work lens on power relations and actors’ strategies in Germany and Turkey. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(12), 2481–2515.
Knappert, L., Ortlieb, R., Kornau, A., Maletzky de García, M., van Dyke, H. (2023). The ecosystem of managing refugee employment: Complementarity and its microfoundations. Academy of Management Discoveries, 9(3), 339–362.
Bernauer, V. S., Bhati, A., & Thirumaran, K (2023). Guest editorial: (In)equalities in hospitality and tourism – Exploring diversity and equity issues. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(4), 465–468.
Bernauer, V. S., Sieben, B., & Haunschild, A. (2023). “You can call me Susan!” Doing gendered-class work in luxury service encounters. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(4), 494–511.
Bernauer, V. S. (2023). Reflections on the evolution of a long-term study of airline cultures: An interview with Albert J. Mills and Jean Helms Mills. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(2), 469–479.
Frerichs, I. M., & Teichert, T. (2023). Research streams in corporate social responsibility literature: A bibliometric analysis. Management Review Quarterly, 73, 231–261.
Kornau, A., Bernauer, V. S., Mucha, A., Rastetter, D., Schmucker, S., & Sieben, B. (2022). Editorial. Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt: Hindernisse und Chancen mit Blick auf Chancengleichheit, Diversität und Inklusion [Editorial. Digitalization of work: Barriers and benefits for equality, diversity and inclusion]. Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management, 7(1), 3–7.
Klarsfeld, A., Knappert, L., Kornau, A., Ng, E. S., & Ngunjiri, F. W. (Eds.) (2022). Research handbook on new frontiers of equality and diversity at work. International perspectives. Edward Elgar.
Kornau, A., & Kumra, S. (2021). Richard Florida’s creative class: The Global Tolerance Index and its value for diversity and inclusion research. In E. Ng, A. Klarsfeld, C. Stamper, & Y. (J.) Han (Eds.), Handbook on diversity and inclusion indices. A research compendium (pp. 66–82). Edward Elgar.
Kornau, A., Knappert, L., & Erdur, D. A. (2021). Advertising, avoiding, disrupting, and tabooing: The discursive construction of diversity subjects in the Turkish context. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 37(2), 101–151.
Presentations at (inter)national conferences
July 2023, 39th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy
At the 39th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium on “Organizing for the Good Life. Between Legacy and Imagination” (6th – 8th July) in Cagliari a contribution by Angela Kornau and Irma Rybnikova entitled „Gendered agility? An explorative study of (in)equalities in Scrum teams“ was accepted and presented by Irma Rybnikova. Another joint paper by Vanessa S. Bernauer, Jasmin Joecks, Tanja Reimer und Georg Tamm entitled „Surfing the rainbow to the top“ was accepted and presented by Jasmin Joecks.
Oktober 2022, 12th International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Cádiz, Spain
On the 12th International Workshop on Human Resource Management, organised by the University of Cádiz and the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, Angela Kornau presented a project she is currently working on together with Vanessa S. Bernauer entitled: “Navigating boundaries of inclusion. Practices and inherent tensions.”
September 2022, Autumn Workshop of the Section Personnel in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Berlin
On this year’s Autumn Workshop of the Section Personnel in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), organised by ESCP Business School Berlin, Angela Kornau and Vanessa S. Bernauer presented a project entitled “Negotiating boundaries of diversity and inclusion. Practices and inherent paradoxes”.
August 2022, 80th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, hybrid, Seattle
We are looking forward to the the world’s most important conference for management research, the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: A Hybrid Experience, August 04 – 10 in Seattle. Vanessa S. Bernauer will present a paper on “The Diversity of Gay Leaders: Superpower or Curse?” with Georg Tamm, Tanja Reimer, and Jasmin Joecks as a part of the Presenter Symposium “Building the Rainbow Bridge: Diverse Methodologies to Address LGBTQ+ Inequalities in Organizations” by Georg Tamm, Shaun Pichler, and Robyn A. Berkley.
Oktober 2021, Prout at Work Conference 2021: Role Models – The Diversity of Inspiration
Vanessa S. Bernauer and her colleagues Georg Tamm, Tanja Reimer and Jasmin Joecks give a keynote at this year’s virtual Prout at Work conference 2021: „The diversity of gay leaders – justice league extended“.
September 2021, Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation
The annual autumn workshop of the Scientific Commission for Organization in the Association of University Lecturers in Business Administration, this year at the Leuphana University Lüneburg, is an important meeting of representatives of our subject from the German-speaking countries.
Angela Kornau and Vanessa S. Bernauer give a short presentation of the project “An explorative case study of diversity and inclusion in alternative organizations”.
December 2020, 8th International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA) Biennial Conference
Vanessa S. Bernauer and her colleague K. Thirumaran from the James Cook University in Singapore organize the subtheme “Equity issues in hospitality & tourism. Exploring (in)equalities” for the hackathon of the hybrid 8th International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA) Biennial Conference in Jakarta (Indonesia), Singapore & virtual.
September 2020, Autumn Workshop of the Scientific Commission for Human Resources
The annual autumn workshop of the Scientific Commission for Human Resources in the Association of University Lecturers in Business Administration, this year at the Heinrich Heine University in Dusseldorf, is an important meeting of representatives of our subject from the German-speaking countries.
Vanessa S. Bernauer and Angela Kornau give a short presentation of the project “Inclusion through e-voice? An explorative case study of an internet collective”.
August 2020, 80th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Vancouver/virtual
At the world’s most important conference for management research, the annual conference of the Academy of Management, August 07–11 in Boston, Vanessa S. Bernauer will organize two Professional Development Workshops (PDW) this year.
In cooperation with Abhishek Bhati and K. Thirumaran from JCU Singapore she will bring together the panelists J. Helms Mills, A.J. Mills, D. Nickson, R. Ortlieb, A. Schneider, C. Warhurst and the participants on the topic “Equity issues in hospitality & tourism (H&T). Exploring (in)equalities”.
Another PDW she will organize with Jasmin Joecks, Tanja Reimer and Georg Tamm. They will discuss with the panelists R.A. Berkley, T. Köllen, S. Pichler, R. Trau, J. Webster and the interested people: “Sexual orientation & leadership. Constraints & vehicles for aspiring LGB leaders”.
Originally the meeting was planned in Vancouver and is now organized virtually.
July 2020, 36th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Hamburg/virtual
At the 36th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium on “Organizing for a sustainable future: Responsibility, renewal & resistance” from 2–4 July, Vanessa Bernauer and Angela Kornau will present a joint paper entitled „An explorative case study of diversity and inclusion in alternative organizations”.
Originally the meeting was planned in Hamburg and now takes a place virtually.
August 2019, Symposium and scientific networking meeting diversity researchers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, St. Gallen
At this year’s scientific networking meeting of diversity researchers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland on the topic “From ‘Diversity Management’ to ‘Diversity and Inclusion’?”, August 26–27 at the University of St. Gallen, Miriam Baumgärtner presented a project idea developed with Angela Kornau entitled “Creating inclusive workplaces for refugees – A conceptual model of inclusive refugee leadership”.
August 2019, 79th AOM Annual Meeting, Boston
At the world’s most important conference for management research, the annual conference of the Academy of Management, August 09–13 in Boston, Vanessa Bernauer presented a paper on “Just beauties of the skies? An intersectional perspective on first class flight attendants” as a part of the Presenter Symposium “Exploring the relationship between intersectionality and inclusion: A research agenda” by Alain Klarsfeld and Diana Rajendran.
July 2019, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Edinburgh
At the 35th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium about “Enlightening the Future: The Challenge for Organizations” from July 4–6 in Edinburgh, Angela Kornau presented a cooperative paper with Lena Klappert and Duygu Acar Erdur entitled: “The Advertised, the Deceived, the Silenced, and the Avoided: Organizational discourses on equality, diversity and inclusion in the Turkish context.”
July 2019, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion International Conference, Rotterdam
As part of the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion International Conference on “Resistance” from July 22–24 in Rotterdam, Angela Kornau, together with Joana Vassilopoulou and Lena Knappert, organized a stream on: “Politics of migrants’ equality and diversity and resistance towards their workplace inclusion”. She also presented a joint contribution with Lena Knappert and Acar Erdur entitled: “The Advertised, the Deceived, the Silenced, and the Avoided: Organizational discourses on equality, diversity and inclusion in the Turkish context.”
March 2019, Women in Organizations (MENA) ThinkTank, Sharjah
The American university of Sharjah (AUS) organized a ThinkTank on “Women in Organizations: Towards Theory and Research Development in the MENA region”, from March 18–19 in 2019, and invited Angela Kornau. The ThinkTank is made up of a group of international scientists who are looking for research cooperation on the situation of Women in the MENA (Middle East North Africa) region.
August 2018, AOM Annual Meeting, Chicago
At the world’s most important conference for management research, the annual conference of the Academy of Management, from August 10–14 in Chicago, the professorship performed a ‘Professional Developed Workshop’ on “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Under-Researched Countries: A Research Agenda”. Chairs of the PDW are Prof. Dr. Barbara Sieben, HSU, and Prof. Alain Klarsfeld, Toulouse Business School. Co-organizers are Rana Haq, Lena Knappert, Angela Kornau, Eddy Ng and Faith Ngunjiri. This PDW serves as a starting point to develop the 4th ‘International Handbook of Diversity Management at Work’ book project (Edward Elgar) on ‘Diversity and Equality in Under-Researched Countries’ that is planned to be published in 2019–2020. In particular, this PDW seeks to broaden the regional scope of chapters to be submitted to the 4th International Handbook and provides a discussion space for diversity research in under-exposed countries.
July 2018, EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn
At the 34th annual conference of the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) from July 2–7 in Tallinn, Barbara Sieben and Daniela Rastetter, University of Hamburg, presented a paper on “Mapping management research on gender and diversity as a political arena: Interests, resources and power plays in german speaking countries”. Vanessa Bernauer discussed her paper entitled “An intersectional perspective on service workers in the luxury sector” and participated at the pre-colloquium PhD Workshop as well as the pre-colloquium “Workshop on the Art of Academic Reviewing”.
February 2018, University-Industry Workshop Knowledge Management & Gender, Potsdam
At the University-Industry Workshop Knowledge Management & gender (February, 7) Vanessa Bernauer presented a joint paper with Barbara Sieben and Axel Haunschild: “Gender stereotyping in luxury work: Their influence on class and gender”.
December 2017, 31st Annual Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference
At the Emotions and Cognitions in the Rough (ECR) Workshop of the 31st annual Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference (December 5–8) Vanessa Bernauer presented a joint paper with Barbara Sieben and Axel Haunschild: Emotions in luxury work: Their connection to class and gender.
December 2017, 12th Asia Pacific Symposium on Emotions in Worklife (APSEW)
At the 12th Asia Pacific Symposiumon Emotions in Worklife (APSEW) (December 4) Vanessa Bernauer presented a joint paper with Barbara Sieben and Axel Haunschild: Emotions in luxury work: Their connection to class and gender.
October 2017, Workshop of the Forum „Critical Organization Research”
At the fifth Workshop of the Forum “Critical Organization Research” on the topic: Aesthetics and Organization” on October 5 and 6, Vanessa Bernauer and Barbara Sieben, together with Alexander Haunschild, presented a paper entitled: “Emotions in luxury work: Their connection to class and gender”
September 2017, Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen
At this year’s autumn workshop of the Scientific Commission of Human Resources from September 20 to 22, Vanessa Bernauer presented a joint paper with Barbara Sieben and Axel Haunschild entitled: “Emotions in luxury work: Their connection to class and gender”
September 2017, Fachtagung und wissenschaftliches Vernetzungstreffen der Diversity-Forschenden aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, Göttingen
At this year’s networking meeting on the topic: “An intersectional perspective on service workers in the luxury sector” from September 12–14, Vanessa Bernauer presented a paper at the Diversity Research Workshop for doctoral students entitled: “An intersectional perspective on service workers in the luxury sector”
July 2017, EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen
At the annual conference of the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS), July 5–8 in Copenhagen, Vanessa Bernauer will present a paper on “Emotions in luxury work: Their connection to class and gender”, written jointly with Barbara Sieben and Axel Haunschild, University of Hannover. Angela Kornau discusses the paper “Refugees’ inclusion in Turkish workplaces: Qualitative insights from the Syrian border”, written jointly with Lena Knappert and Meltem Figengül, Tilburg University.
June 2017, Research Workshop Technical University Hamburg
Vanessa Bernauer will participate in the research workshop “Intersectional Multilevel Analysis in Research Practice” from June 29 to July 1, organized at the Hamburg University of Technology by Kathrin Ganz, Jette Hausotter and Prof. Dr. Gabriele Winker.
June 2017, 79th Convention of the VHB, St. Gallen
Barbara Sieben was invited to the symposium “Sustainable Change by Diversity Management: Findings Today, Effects Tomorrow”, organized by Julia Nentwich, University of St. Gallen, and Renate Ortlieb, University of Graz, at the VHB Convention 2017, June 7–9. Together with Renate Ortlieb, Barbara Sieben will discuss a contribution on “Inclusion of Gender and Migration Background as Structuration. Two sides of the same coin”.
March 2017, Small Group Meeting on Refugees’ Inclusion in European Workplaces, Holland
At this conference (sponsored by EAWOP and Tilburg University) the paper “Refugees’ inclusion in Turkish workplaces: Qualitative insights from the Syrian border” written by Angela Kornau together with Lena Knappert and Meltem Figengül, Tilburg University, was presented.
January 2016, Symposium “State, Work and Affects”, WU Vienna
The international and interdisciplinary symposium “State, Work, and Affects” took place from 28–29 January 2016 on the premises of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (WU). Vanessa Bernauer and Prof. Barbara Sieben presented a paper on “Service work in luxury sector: The role of emotions, class and gender” in the area of “Negotiating agency and Emotional Labor”, written together with Prof. Axel Haunschild (University of Hannover).
April 2016, International Labour Process Conference, WZB, Berlin
At the “International Labour Process Conference”, which is relevant for our subject and will take place at the WZB in Berlin this year from 4 to 6 April 2016, Angela Kornau and Barbara Sieben, HSU, together with Lena Knappert, Tilburg University, will present a paper on “Equal opportunities as a political arena – A comparative analysis of Germany and Turkey”.
Another paper from our research area by Thorsten Reichmuth on “The Role of Works Councils in Change Processes – a Structuration Perspective on Alterations” was accepted for presentation at this conference.
July 2016, EGOS Colloquium, Neapel
At the annual conference of the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS), July 7–9 in Naples, Angela Kornau will present a paper on “The contested terrain of equality and diversity at work – the cases of Germany and Turkey”, written together with Lena Knappert, Tilburg University, and Barbara Sieben.
July 2016, Workshop “Equality and Diversity in Turkey and Germany”, Istanbul
For the research project “Equal Opportunities through Personnel Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Organisations in Germany and Turkey”, Angela Kornau acquired DFG funds to initiate international cooperation. In this context, a workshop on “Equality and Diversity in Turkey and Germany” was held on 4 July 2016 at Koc University Istanbul, hosted by Prof. Mustafa Özbilgin, which was attended by the project partners Angela Kornau and Barbara Sieben, HSU, and Lena Knappert, Tilburg University, as well as other renowned diversity researchers such as Ahu Tatli, Queen Mary University of London, and colleagues from Turkey.
August 2016, AOM Annual Meeting, Anaheim
At the world’s most important conference in management research, the annual conference of the Academy of Management, August 5–9 in Anaheim, the professorship will be represented with a symposium on “Diversity and Inclusion through HRM: Country Perspectives”. Chairs of the Presenter Symposium are Prof. Barbara Sieben, HSU, and Prof. Alain Klarsfeld, Toulouse Business School. In addition to other renowned diversity researchers providing insights into Canada, the USA and France, Angela Kornau, HSU, and Lena Knappert, University of Tilburg, will present a paper co-authored by Barbara Sieben entitled “The Political Arena of Equality and Diversity at Work. The Cases of Germany and Turkey” for discussion.
September 2016, (Education-)Congress of the German Armed Forces, HSU Hamburg
At this year’s Bundeswehr (Education) Congress, 13 to 15 September 2016 at the Helmut Schmidt University, the chair will be represented with regard to the main topic “Equal Opportunities: The Contribution of Education to Diversity Management, Gender Mainstreaming and Equality”.
Barbara Sieben and Ulrike Senger, ZWW, will present the concept of the continuing education master’s program “Leading Diversity” in a panel on “Diversity in Continuing Education – The Study Model of the Center for Continuing Education in Science (ZWW) at HSU“.
The scientific panel “Organizational and Personnel Research on Gender and Diversity: A Broad and Contentious Field” shows in a multifaceted way what constitutes the “state of the art” of gender and diversity research, which topics are (how) researched here and that the status of a broad and contentious field also applies to science. Barbara Sieben and Daniela Rastetter, University of Hamburg, provide an inventory of gender and diversity research at chairs of organization and human resources in the German-speaking world. Tina Hundt presents her discourse analysis on the compatibility of family and service in the Bundeswehr. Angela Kornau reports on the research project comparing Germany and Turkey on equal opportunities through personnel policy. The colleague Christiane Bender, General Sociology, gives a reminder: The “old” insight that an intelligent organizational policy is based on a clear setting of priorities must not be forgotten, despite all the diversity. She presents successful examples from the Bundeswehr. In the subsequent plenary discussion, there will also be room for the controversial issues that are ignited by equal opportunities, gender and diversity in organizations.
September 2016, Symposium and scientific networking meeting of diversity researchers from D-A-CH, University of Hannover
At the conference “Vielfältige Differenzlinien in der Diversitätsforschung” and the network meeting of diversity researchers from D-A-CH 2016, which will take place in September this year at the University of Hannover, the chair will be represented with several contributions. Together with Daniela Rastetter, Barbara Sieben will give a lecture on “Gender, Diversity and Equal Opportunity: Stepchild of Organizational and Human Resources Research? Vanessa Bernauer and Barbara Sieben, together with Axel Haunschild, University of Hannover, will present their joint paper on “Service Work in the Luxury Sector: The Role of Emotions, Class and Gender”.
Vanessa Bernauer will also discuss this paper and her doctoral project based on it in the Diversity Doctoral Workshop on the day before the conference. The external doctoral student Isabel Collien, HCU Hamburg and Freie Universität Berlin, presents a paper on “Intersectional Perspectives on Pluralization in Organizations: An International Research Overview”.
September 2016, Autumn Workshop of the Scientific Commission for Human Resources, Paderborn
The annual autumn workshop of the Scientific Commission for Human Resources in the Association of University Lecturers in Business Administration, this year September 21–23 at the University of Paderborn, is an important meeting of representatives of our subject from the German-speaking countries.
Barbara Sieben will speak on behalf of the School of Human Resource Policy in the panel discussion “Schools in Human Resource Education: An Update” with keynote speeches by Wolfgang Weber, Wenzel Matiaske, Barbara Sieben, Dieter Sadowski and statements by young academics.
Angela Kornau and Barbara Sieben give a short presentation of the project “Equal Opportunities through Personnel Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Organisations in Germany and Turkey”, which they are working on together with Lena Knappert, University of Tilburg, and other cooperation partners.
February 2015, 39th Workshop of WK ORG, VHB, Zürich
The annual workshop of the Section Organization (WK ORG) in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) is an important gathering of colleagues in our field in the German speaking regions. For the 2015 workshop, the paper “Reproduction of ‘typical’ gender roles in temporary organizations – no surprise for whom? The example of cooperative behaviours and their acknowledgement”, co-authored by Barbara Sieben, Timo Braun (TU Kaiserslautern) and Aristides Ferreira (ISCTE Business School Lissabon) was accepted for presentation.
June 2015, Diversity & Inclusion in Armed Forces, Berlin
Barbara Sieben was invited for a presentation on „Images of reconciling family and work life in the Federal Armed Forces“ (based on an empirical study conducted by Leutnant Tina Hundt, student assistant) at the international conference “Diversity & Inclusion in Armed Forces” hosted by the Federal Ministry of Defence, Women in International security ( and Deutscher Soldat e.V. that was held in Berlin from June 7th to 10th 2015.
June 2015, Conference and network meeting of diversity researchers of the D-A-CH regions, HSU Hamburg
At this conference, hosted by Barbara Sieben, HSU, and Daniela Rastetter, University of Hamburg (see the documentation on this website) team members of the chair made various contributions. Barbara Sieben reported together with Daniela Rastetter on their project “Organizational research on gender and diversity in the German speaking regions. A bibliometric and content analysis“, for that student assistants – Beatrice Anhalt, Vanessa Bernauer, Tina Hundt, Dominique Langner and Sten Richter, HSU, as well as Kristina Dunkhase, UHH – provided important preliminary work. Moreover, Barbara Sieben presented a poster on „Gender (in-)congruent citizenship behaviour: Appearances and outcomes in temporary organizations“, co-authored with Timo Braun, TU Kaiserslautern, and Aristides Ferreira, ISCTE Business School Lissabon, and a further poster co-authored with Renate Ortlieb, University of Graz, on „Kart Race, Summer Barbecue and Secret Santa: Staging the Gendered Organization“.
Research assistant Dorian Boncoeur presented a poster related to his PhD project, titled „The Importance of familial relationships in the careers & mentoring of professional Indian women“. Doctoral candidate Isabel Collien, HCU Hamburg and Freie Universität Berlin, presented a paper on „Shaming equal opportunity commissioners as cranky old women. The interplay of cognitive and emotive institutional work in maintaining gender inequalities“. Daphne Reim, University of Halle-Wittenberg, presented findings of her doctoral project “Diversity management of the engagement potential of elderly people”. Last, but not least, student assistant Tina Hundt reported on her bachelor thesis „Reconciling family and service at the Federal Armed Forces. A discourse analysis”.
July 2015, EGOS Colloquium, Athens
At the annual conference of the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS), July 1-4 in Athens, Barbara Sieben presented a paper on “Organizational research on gender and diversity in the German speaking regions. A bibliometric and content analysis “, which she co-authored with Daniela Rastetter, University of Hamburg.
August 2015, AOM Annual Meeting, Vancouver
At the annual conference of the Academy of Management, August 7-11 in Vancouver, the professorship was represented as follows: In the symposium “Managing Differences between Employees: Different Perspectives on HR Differentiation” (Organizers Elise Marescaux, Sophie De Winne, Lieven Brebels and Luc Sels, KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business, Belgium) Barbara Sieben reports and discusses differentiation in the diversity management literature together with Renate Ortlieb, University of Graz.
In the symposium “Opening Organizations: Managing Diversity and Inclusion through HRM” (Organizers Lena Knappert, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, and Marion Festing, ESCP Europe, Berlin), Barbara Sieben, and the external doctoral student Isabel Collien, HCU Hamburg and Freie Universität Berlin, will present their ideas on “age work” and “Maintaining And Disrupting Institutionalized Understandings Of Higher Age”, which they developed together with Michael Müller-Camen, WU Vienna.
Research associate Dorian Boncoeur is also represented with two contributions, both of which are a result of his research stay in the USA this year: He presents a paper co-authored with Ericka Lawrence, Katarina Gonzalez and Justice Tillman on “Abusive Supervision and Turnover Intentions: A Person-Environment Fit Perspective”. In the symposium “Diversifying Leadership: Perspectives from Women of Color in the US, India, and South Africa (Organizers: Verónica Caridad Rabelo; Courtney L. McCluney) he presents a paper co-authored with Stacy Blake-Beard, Estelle Archibold, Jessica Halem, and Andrea Burton on “The Importance of Familial Relationships in the Careers/Mentoring of Indian Women”.
September 2015, fall workshop of WK Pers, VHB, Graz
The annual fall workshop of the Section Personnel (WK Pers) in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), this year from September 23 to 25 at the University of Graz, is an important meeting of representatives of our discipline from German-speaking countries. The professorship will be represented several times: Barbara Sieben will present the paper on “Gender (in-)congruent citizenship behaviour: Appearances and outcomes in temporary organizations”, written together with Timo Braun, TU Kaiserslautern, and Aristides Ferreira, ISCTE Business School in Lisbon.
Together with Renate Ortlieb, University of Graz, Barbara Sieben presented the paper “Company Christmas parties and gender inclusion. Insights of an employee survey” in a short paper presentation.
Thorsten Reichmuth, research assistant, presents the results of his doctoral project entitled “The role of the works council in change management. Structuration-theoretical case analysis of an operational change.”
November 2015, AKempor working group, Lüneburg
The AKempor (Arbeitskreis Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung), a standing working group of personnel and organization researchers met this year on November 19 and 20 for its annual conference at Leuphana University Lüneburg. The professorship was represented several times: Thorsten Reichmuth presented the study “Compatibility of family and service in the Federal Armed Forces” by Tina Hundt, from which a journal article is currently being written with the participation of Prof. Sieben. In addition, Thorsten Reichmuth presented results from his dissertation project on the role of the works council in company changes, in particular a partial study on “Interest in the topic of co-determination over time”. Dorian Boncoeur presented results from his doctoral project entitled “The impact of perceived performance asymmetry on ethical behavior intention”.
February 2014, 38th Workshop of the WK Org, VHB, Jena
The annual workshop of the Section Organization (WK Org) in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) is an important meeting of representatives of our discipline from German-speaking countries.
Prof. Sieben presented a paper on “Paradoxes of Luxury Work: The Role of Cross-Class Encounters” together with Prof. Axel Haunschild, University of Hanover (student assistant Vanessa Bernauer made significant contributions to the empirical basis of this paper and to planned extensions). Prof. Sieben commented on the paper “Akteure und strategisches Handeln bei der Institutionalisierung organisatorer Gleichstellungspolitik” by Jeanette Trenkmann, doctoral student at Chemnitz University of Technology, and moderated a track on multinational companies. Research assistant Thorsten Reichmuth was present as a conference participant.
June 2014, EURAM Conference, Valencia
Prof. Sieben and Dr. Timo Braun, Freie Universität Berlin are co-authors of a paper on “Project Citizenship Behavior: Appearances and Outcomes in Gender (In)Congruent Project Roles”, which was presented at this relevant conference of the European Academy of Management by the third co-author Dr. Aristides Ferreira, ISCTE Business School in Lisbon.
July 2014, EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam
At the annual conference of the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS), 3-5 July in Rotterdam, Prof. Barbara Sieben and Prof. Renate Ortlieb, University of Graz, presented a paper on “Social events in organizations as diversity practices: How they foster equality and when they fail”.
August 2014, AOM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia
At the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, August 1-5 in Philadelphia, with the motto “The power of words”, the professorship is represented as follows: In the GDO session “Gendered Organizations and Institutions”, Prof. Barbara Sieben, together with Prof. Renate Ortlieb, University of Graz, gave a presentation on “How social events in organizations contribute to local gender regimes: A narrative approach”. Also together with Prof. Ortlieb, Prof. Sieben was a discussant at the symposium “Relational inequality and diversity: Bridging sociological and organization studies perspectives”, chaired by Patrizia Zanoni, Hasselt University, Belgium and Steve Vallas, Northeastern University, USA. Further discussants from management and organizational research: Mustafa Özbilgin, Brunel University, UK and Ahu Tatli, University of London, UK; from (organizational) sociology: Don Tomaskovic-Dewey, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA. In addition, Dorian Boncoeur, a member of Prof. Sieben’s staff, contributed to the symposium in the role of minute-taker and rapporteur. The symposium was supported by three AOM divisions relevant to our subject and our orientation: Gender and Diversity in Organizations (GDO), Critical Management Studies (CMS) and Organization and Management Theory (OMT).
September 2014, fall workshop of WK Pers, VHB, Graz
The annual fall workshop of the Section Personnel (WK Pers) in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), in 2014 from September 24 to 26 at the University of Graz, is an important meeting of representatives of our discipline from German-speaking countries.
Together with Prof. Ortlieb, Prof. Sieben presented their paper on “Social events in organizations as diversity practices: How they foster equality and when they fail” in a round table session for discussion. Prof. Sieben also discussed her paper on “Project Citizenship Behavior: Appearances and Outcomes in Gender (In)Congruent Project Roles”, which she wrote together with Dr. Timo Braun, Freie Universität Berlin, and Dr. Aristides Ferreira, ISCTE Business School, Lisbon.
Thorsten Reichmuth, research associate, presented a paper on the theoretical framework of his doctoral project, working title: “A Model of Company Change as Restructuring” (with a policy-oriented focus on the role of works councils).
Furthermore, Thorsten Reichmuth presented the project “Compatibility of family and service in the Federal Armed Forces” (an analysis based on discourse and gender theory), which he supervised and which was carried out by student and soldier assistant Tina Hundt.
Last but not least, Dorian Boncoeur presents the cornerstones of his doctoral project inspired by postcolonial perspectives on “‘Becoming ethnic’: An empirical study of the coloniality of race in the discourse of diversity management”.
November 2014, Conference and network meeting of diversity researchers of the D-A-CH regions, Vienna
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Institute for “Gender and Diversity in Organizations” at WU Vienna in 2014, the institute invited diversity researchers of the D-A-CH regions for a networking meeting on Friday, 14.11.2014. The purpose of the meeting was on the one hand to reflect and discuss on the topic: Diversity, diversification, (dis)solidarization in organizational diversity research: an assessment of the situation in the German-speaking world and on the other hand to discuss the further networking of German-speaking diversity researchers. Prof. Sieben is represented together with Prof. Daniela Rastetter, University of Hamburg, with an analysis of “Research on gender and diversity in organizations in German-speaking countries. A critical stocktaking”, for which the research assistant Sten Richter is doing important preliminary work.
November 2013, AKempor working group, Munich
The AKempor (Arbeitskreis Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung), a standing working group of personnel and organization researchers met this year on November 7th and 8th for its 11th annual conference at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. Together with Prof. Ortlieb, Prof. Sieben presented their paper on “Organizational social events as hotbeds for the (re)production of local gender regimes. A mixed methods approach”.
Academic events
Here you find documentations and links to conferences, workshops and further events that have been (co-)organized by Barbara Sieben and her team:
- Event series “Living diversity – between desire and reality ǀ Insights from science and practice” (2023-2024, HSU)
- “Diversity Bite” 05/23: “Diversity between colourful diversity, differences and inequalities”
- Executive Workshop on Diversity and Equal Opportunities at the German Air Force Technical Training Center, Faßberg (2021)
- Executive Workshop on „Leading diversity, leading digitally“, Leadership@Helmholtz: kompakt (2021)
- Paper Hackathon „Equity issues in hospitality & tourism. Exploring (in)equalities“, ITSA Biennial Conference (2020)
- PDWs „Equity issues in hospitality & tourism. Exploring (in)equalities“ & „Sexual orientation & leadership. Constraints & vehicles for aspiring LGB leaders“, AOM Annual Meeting, Vancouver/virtual (2020)
- PDW „Equality and Diversity in under-researched countries”, AOM Annual Meeting, Chicago (2018)
- German Diversity Day at HSU: “Diversity in higher education” (2018)
- Pilot module “Leading Diversity”, HSU (2017/2018)
- Commemorative colloquium for Gertraude Krell, Freie Universität Berlin (2017)
- Scientific panel “Organizational and Personnel Research on Gender and Diversity: A Broad and Contentious Field”, (Education-)Congress of the German Armed Forces, HSU (2016)
- Presenter Symposium „Diversity and Inclusion through HRM: Country Perspectives“, AOM Annual Meeting, Anaheim (2016)
- Workshop „Equality and Diversity in Turkey and Germany”, Istanbul (2016)
- Conference and network meeting of diversity researchers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, HSU (2015)
- Girls‘ Day at HSU: Workshop „We are [deivörs], too! Science as career? Researching diversity is an option“ (since 2015)