Dr. Angela Kornau

Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer


Room no.:
104, H4
Phone no.:
040 6541 3072
Visiting address
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22043 Hamburg
Mailing address
Chair of Human Resource Management
PO Box 70 08 22
22008 Hamburg
By arrangement.

Dr. Angela Kornau is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer at the Chair of Human Resource Management at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany. She studied international economics with a focus on Sinology at the Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen and received her doctorate (summa cum laude) at the Chair of International Human Resource Management and Intercultural Leadership at ESCP Business School, Berlin. In her research she deals with equality, diversity and inclusion in organizations from a multi-actor perspective. Special focus is on context-specific and international comparative research questions as well as the dimensions of gender and migration. Her research activities have been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD). Her work has been published in leading international journals such as Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Vocational Behavior and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. She has gained research and work experience in China, Turkey and Mexico.

Furthermore, in addition to university teaching, Dr. Kornau is also concerned with the transfer of knowledge of current research findings into practice and therefore conducts workshops in public and private sector institutions on various topics with the aim of imparting knowledge and raising awareness, e.g. on women in leadership or diversity & inclusion (management). She also offers individual coaching on professional issues.

Social media
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Curriculum Vitae

Academic career

Since July 2015: Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Barbara Sieben), at the Department of Humanities and Social Science, Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

01/2011-12/2013: Research assistant at the Chair of Human Resource Management and intercultural leadership (Prof. Dr. Marion Festing), ESCP Europe Business School Berlin

09/2009-12/2010: Student Assistant/Intern at the Chair of Human Resource Management and intercultural leadership (Prof. Dr. Marion Festing), ESCP Europe Business School Berlin

Academic education

2014: Ph.D. (Dr.rer.pol.), summa cum laude, Chair of Human Resource and Intercultural Leadership, ESCP Europe Business School Berlin

2009: Diploma in International Economics at Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen

  • Major: Human Resources and Organizations, Economic Theory, Economic Politics, Chinese, Regional Studies China
  • 2006: Study abroad at Nanjing University in Nanjing, China

Occupational history

11/2008-07/2009: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), Department for Gender Equality, Berlin (PR Coordinator)

08/2008-10/2008: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth  (BMFSFJ), Department for Gender Equality, Berlin (intern)

01/2007-03/2007: German Society for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) (GIZ); Liaoning Employment Promotion and Qualifikation Program, Liaoning, Shenyang, China (intern)

06/2006-11/2006: European Chamber of Commerce in Nanjing, China; Finance and Taxation and Human Resources Working Group (intern)

11/2005-01/2006: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bonn (intern)

08/2004: Governmental Commission for Human Rights, Monterrey, México  (intern)

Main research interests and publications

Main research interests

  • Actor-centric and context-specific perspectives on in/equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Inclusion in the context of new / alternative forms of work and organizing
  • Workplace integration of refugees
  • Gender and HRM
  • International human resource management



  • Title of dissertation: Women’s underrepresentation in management positions in the corporate world: Gendered human resource management practices and female coping patterns (Disputation November 2014 at ESCP Europe Business School Berlin, Dissertation Chair: M. Festing, Co-chair: B. Sieben)

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Bernauer, V. S., & Kornau, A. (2024). E-voice in the digitalised workplace. Insights from an alternative organisation. Human Resource Management Journal, 34(2), 369-385. https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12460 

Knappert, L., Ortlieb, R., Kornau, A., Maletzky de García, M., van Dyke, H. (2023): The ecosystem of managing refugee employment: Complementarity and its microfoundations. Academy of Management Discoveries. https://doi.org/10.5465/amd.2020.0157

Kornau, A., Bernauer, V. S., Mucha, A., Rastetter, D., Schmucker, S., & Sieben, B. (2022): Editorial. Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt: Hindernisse und Chancen mit Blick auf Chancengleichheit, Diversität und Inklusion. [Editorial. Digitalization of work: Barriers and benefits for equality, diversity and inclusion] Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management, 7(1), 3-7. https://doi.org/10.3224/zdfm.v7i1.01  

Kornau, A., Knappert, L., Tatli, A., & Sieben, B. (2022). Contested fields of equality, diversity and inclusion at work: An institutional work lens on power relations and actors’ strategies in Germany and Turkey. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2022.2086014  

Kornau, A., Knappert, L., & Erdur, D. A. (2021). Advertising, avoiding, disrupting, and tabooing: The discursive construction of diversity subjects in the Turkish context. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 37(2), 101-151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scaman.2021.101151  

Haq, R., Kornau, A., Klarsfeld, A., & Ngunjiri, F. W. (2020). Diversity in India: Addressing caste, disability and gender. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 36(6), 586-596. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-04-2020-0095

Kornau, A., Frerichs, I. M., & Sieben, B. (2020). An empirical analysis of research paradigms within international human resource management: The need for more diversity. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(2), 148-177. https://doi.org/10.1177/2397002220908035

Klarsfeld, A., Knappert, L., Kornau, A., Ngunjiri, F. W., & Sieben, B. (2019). Diversity in under-researched countries: New empirical fields challenging old theories? Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 38(7), 694-704. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-03-2019-0110  

Knappert, L., Kornau, A., & Figengül, M. (2018). Refugees’ exclusion at work and the intersection with gender: Insights from the Turkish-Syrian border. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 105, 62-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2017.11.002  

Festing, M., Knappert, L., & Kornau, A. (2015). Gender‐specific preferences in global performance management: An empirical study of male and female managers in a multinational context. Human Resource Management, 54(1), 55-79. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.21609  

Festing, M., Kornau, A., & Schäfer, L. (2015). Think talent–think male? A comparative case study analysis of gender inclusion in talent management practices in the German media industry. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(6), 707-732. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2014.934895  

Editorial work

Kornau, A., Bernauer, V. S., Mucha, A., Rastetter, D., Schmucker, S., & Sieben, B. (Hrsg.) (2022). Schwerpunktthema „Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt: Hindernisse und Chancen mit Blick auf Chancengleichheit, Diversität und Inklusion“. [Special Issue „Digitalization of work: Barriers and benefits for equality, diversity and inclusion“] Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management, 7(1).

Klarsfeld, A., Knappert, L., Kornau, A., Ng, E. S., & Ngunjiri, F. W. (Eds.) (2022). Research handbook on new frontiers of equality and diversity at work. International perspectives. Edward Elgar. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800888302  

Haq, R., Kornau, A., Klarsfeld, A., & Ngunjiri, F. W. (Eds.) (2020). Special issue: Equality, diversity and inclusion in India. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 39(6), 585-596. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-04-2020-0095 .

Klarsfeld, A., Knappert, L., Kornau, A., Ngunjiri, F. W., & Sieben, B. (Eds.) (2019). Special Issue: Diversity in under-researched countries: New empirical fields challenging old theories? Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 38(7), 694-704. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-03-2019-0110

Conference presentations

Rybnikova, I. & Kornau, A. (2023, July). Gendered agility? An explorative study of (in)equalities in Scrum teams. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy.

Kornau, A., & Bernauer, V. S. (2022, October): Navigating boundaries of inclusion. Practices and inherent tensions. 12th International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Cádiz. 

Kornau, A., & Bernauer, V. S. (2022, September): Negotiating boundaries of diversity and inclusion. Practices and inherent paradoxes.  Autumn Workshop of the Section Personnel in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Berlin. 

Kornau, A., & Bernauer, V. S. (2021, September). An explorative case study of diversity and inclusion in alternative organizations. Workshop of the Section Organization in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Lueneburg (virtual). 

Bernauer, V. S., & Kornau, A. (2020, September). Inclusion through e-voice? An explorative case study of an internet collective. Autumn Workshop of the Section Personnel in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Duesseldorf.  

Bernauer, V. S., & Kornau A. (2020, July). An explorative case study of diversity and inclusion in alternative organizations. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Hamburg (virtual). 

Kornau, A., & Baumgärtner, M. (2019, August). Creating inclusive workplaces for refugees – A conceptual model of inclusive refugee leadership. Conference and Network Meeting of Diversity Researchers from the D-A-CH Regions, St. Gallen. 

Kornau, A., Knappert, L., & Acar Erdur, D. (2019, July). The advertised, the deceived, the silenced, and the avoided: Organizational discourses on equality, diversity and inclusion in the Turkish context. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Edinburgh. 

Kornau, A., Knappert, L., & Acar Erdur, D. (2019, July). The advertised, the deceived, the silenced, and the avoided: Organizational discourses on equality, diversity and inclusion in the Turkish context. Equality, Diversity, Inclusion International Conference, Rotterdam. 

Kornau, A. Knappert, L., Maletzky, M., & van Dyke, H. (2018, September). Contextual influences on refugees‘ inclusion at work. A comparative analysis of Germany and The Netherlands. Autumn Workshop of the Section Personnel in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) , Munich. 

Knappert, L., Kornau, A., & Figengül, M. (2017, September). Refugees‘ exclusion at work: Qualitative insights from the Turkish-Syrian border. Conference and Network Meeting of Diversity Researchers from the D-A-CH Regions , Goettingen. 

Knappert, L., Kornau, A., & Figengül, M. (2017, July). Refugees’ exclusion at work: Qualitative insights from the Turkish-Syrian border. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Copenhagen. 

Knappert, L., Kornau, A., & Figengül, M. (2017, March). Refugees‘ exclusion at work: Qualitative insights from the Turkish-Syrian border. „reThink refugees“, event organised by Ashoka, PWC, The Haag, Tilburg University and EAWOP, The Hague .  

Kornau, A., Sieben, B., & Knappert, L. (2016, October). Actors’ moves in the political arena of equality and diversity – the cases of Germany and Turkey. Workshop on Political CSR, London. 

Kornau, A., Knappert, L., & Sieben, B. (2016, September). Diversity and inclusion through HRM: A comparative analysis of organizations in Germany and Turkey. Autumn Workshop of the Section Personnel in the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Paderborn.

Kornau, A., Knappert, L., & Sieben, B. (2016, August). The political arena of equality and diversity at work. The cases of Germany and Turkey. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston. 

Kornau, A., Knappert, L., & Sieben, B. (2016, July). The contested terrain of equality and diversity at work – the cases of Germany and Turkey. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Naples. 

Kornau, A., Sieben, B., & Knappert, L. (2016, April). Equality and diversity as a political arena – A comparative analysis of Germany and Turkey. International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), Berlin. 

Festing, M., Kornau, A., & Schäfer, L. (2013, July). Talent management and the career advancement of female managers: A single case study in the German media industry. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Montréal

Kornau, A., & Festing, M. (2013, July). The impact of gendered organisational cultures on the career advancement of female managers: A review and a framework for future research. Pre-Colloquium Workshops ‚Gender and Diversity‘, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Montréal. 

Festing, M., Knappert, L., & Kornau, A. (2012, August). Gender-specific preferences in global performance management – an empirical study of male and female leaders in a multinational context. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston. 

Other publications


Kornau, A., & Kumra, S. (2021). Richard Florida’s creative class: The Global Tolerance Index and its value for diversity and inclusion research. In E. Ng, A. Klarsfeld, C. Stamper, & Y. (J.) Han (Eds.), Handbook on diversity and inclusion indices. A research compendium (pp.66-82). Edward Elgar. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788975728.00012  

Book reviews:

Bernauer, V., & Kornau, A. (2020). Rezension von [Review of] : Jungwirth, Ingrid / Bauschke-Urban, Carola (Hrsg.): Gender and Diversity Studies, European Perspectives. Opladen. Barbara Budrich 2019. Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue 19(3). https://www.klinkhardt.de/ewr/978384740549.htm

Practitioner magazine:

Festing, M., Kornau, A., & Schäfer, L. (2015). Think talent – think male? Eine genderspezifische Analyse von Talent Management.  [Think talent – think male? A gender specific analysis of talent management] PERSONALquarterly, 67(2), 34-39. https://www.haufe.de/download/personal-quarterly-022015-personalquarterly-297522.pdf 

Services to the scientific community


  • Teaching at Helmut Schmidt University:
    • Supervision of bachelor and master theses, since 2015
    • Seminar on human resource management, 2016-2017
    • Seminar on scientific research methods, 2018-2020
    • Teaching and coordination of Master program “Leading Diversity”, 2018-2019 at the Centre for Postgraduate Education (ZWW)
    • Seminar on international perspectives on equality and diversity at work, since 2020
  • Teaching at ESPC European Business School including courses on International Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Intercultural Management and Intercultural Leadership (2010-2013)


  • Ad-hoc reviewer for Business & Society, European Journal of International Management (EJIM), Gender, Work and Organization (GWO), German Journal of Human Resource Management (GHRM), International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), Organization, VHB conferences, Academy of Management Annual Meeting
  • Member advisory board of the Journal of Diversity Research and Management (ZDfm)

Networks and memberships:

  • AOM – Academy of Management (Gender and Diversity in Organizations & Human Resources Devision)
  • DACH – Network of Diversity Researchers from the D-A-CH Regions (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
  • efas – economy feminism and science
  • EGOS – European Group of Organization Studies
  • Migration, Business & Society Network
  • VHB – German Academic Association for Business Research


Letzte Änderung: 11. April 2024