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Seminar Series: Computation & Data on Wed, 25.10.2023, 16:00-18:00


25. October 2023

Maria Maleshkova (HSU): Digital Twins – Building Blocks for Medical Data Science
Digital Twins have become an established technology for realizing Industrie 4.0 applications, especially in the context of creating monitoring, optimization, or analytic systems. It is only in recent years that the potential of employing digital twins in the medical domain has been recognized. This presentation describes a solution for medical digital twins as the means to address data science tasks, especially focusing on analyzing sensory data, and provides an overview of the related challenges.

Thomas Carraro: (HSU) The HiBRAIN project: Combined data- and model-based design of lithium-ion battery electrodes using artificial intelligence
The HiBRAIN project involves representatives from lithium-ion battery and automotive production, software developers, and partners from the academia with expertise in battery materials, mathematical modeling and model-based simulation. It strengthens the link between basic research and industrial application regarding suitable simulation methods to support battery electrode design. The aim of the joint project is to develop an effective approach for the virtual design of new electrodes.