High Performance Computing (HPC) deals with the development of efficient software, taking into account algorithms, the use of appropriate programming languages and programming environments, as well as the code-specific optimization of computing instructions. As a result of advancing digitalization, HPC now represents an essential building block of science, research, and development, which many disciplines — both within and outside the armed forces — depend upon. Combinatorial optimization problems in logistics and production, numerical simulations in engineering or image analysis, and machine learning methods with real-time requirements in medical diagnostics are just three examples with high HPC relevance.
However, the potential of existing software solutions is often not fully exploited because computing resources are not always used efficiently. There could be various reasons for this, such as the time required for corresponding software optimizations, or the lack of HPC expertise. Ergo, there are gaps between the actual availability of computing power, the knowledge of computing potentials and the usability of the underlying systems. This results in reduced productivity when using digital research methods.
The aim of the hpc.bw project is to strengthen innovative cross-site HPC research at the universities of the armed forces and to accelerate the transfer of HPC knowledge to a wide range of disciplines in order to
- sustainably strengthen research and development in the respective disciplines,
- to promote interdisciplinary exchange between HPC-related problems,
- derive new research questions for HPC from the various discipline-specific problems and answer them, and
- to establish a joint HPC competence platform for users within and outside the armed forces.
To this end, a program will be set up, which will focus on disseminating information on HPC and offering contact points to HPC experts at the armed forces universities. This will be supplemented by further training on the use of HPC resources. In order to increase (research) productivity, software packages used by hpc.bw personnel are to be made more efficient and prepared for use on HPC platforms such as supercomputers.
These activities are supported by the establishment of a container-based HPC computing center. In order to ensure sustainability in HPC hardware and software, continuous evaluations of innovative HPC systems (in the context of benchmarks) as well as the support of HPC software projects with regard to software design, testing, etc., are planned.

Letzte Änderung: 13. March 2023