4th Call for Projects for Performance Engineering
Supported Projects (2024)
Molecular Monte Carlo simulations on GPUs
Philipp Marienhagen (Thermodynamics, HSU) Recently, it has become possible to combine accurate ab initio potentials with Monte Carlo simulations which allows the theoretical prediction of thermodynamic properties of fluids with an accuracy challenging the best experimental results. This requires the use of a combination of pair and nonadditive three-body potentials with additional corrections for quantum…
DSMC-based simulation for the development ABEP systems
Valentina Pessina (Plasma Technology & Basics of Electrical Engineering, UniBwM) This project aims to establish a robust and efficient simulation framework based on the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) Method for the Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion System (ABEP) development targeting the low orbits of Earth and Mars. These space propulsion systems are meant to keep satellites…
Enabling global sensitivity analysis of large-scale FEM models using QUEENS
Sebastian Brandstäter (Computer-Based Simulation, UniBwM) This project will enable variance-based global sensitivity analysis based on Sobol’s method for large-scale finite-element models within the research software QUEENS. QUEENS is a Python framework for multi-query analyses like uncertainty quantification and Bayesian inverse problems of large-scale simulation models. Its applications range from automating routine tasks in numerical method…
MD-Simulations for damping assessment in MEMS resonators
Bahman Daneshian (Structural Analysis, HSU) Recent scientific works show the beneficial use of MEMS resonators in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications. In these applications, silicon micro-resonators allow for high-quality measurements of propagating waves, leading to substantiated conclusions regarding the health state of the investigated engineering structure. The MEMS resonators usually include a silicon cantilever in…
Nozzle Design in Cold Spray Applications
Julio Gutierrez (Materials Technology, HSU) In cold spray, the critical velocity defines the minimum velocity that the particles must reach in order to adhere to the substrate. The more particles exceeding this critical velocity, the higher are the efficiency of the process and the deposit quality. Individually needed process conditions to accelerate materials with different…
Density Functional Theory Calculations of Positron Lifetimes
Marcel Dickmann (Applied Physics & Measurement Technology, UniBwM) Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS) is a powerful method to investigate open-volume defects like vacancies or vacancy clusters in crystalline materials. The occurrence of atomistic defects has a major influence on material properties, such as electrical conductivity or magnetic and optical characteristics. PALS allows the characterization of…
Supported Projects (2023)
HPC for semi-parametric statistical modeling on massive data sets
Philipp Wittenberg, Lizzie Neumann & Jan Gertheiss (School of Economics and Social Sciences, HSU) The project ”HPC for semi-parametric statistical modeling on massive data sets“ will be a vital input and enhancement for the dtec.bw project, ”SHM – Digitization and Monitoring of Infrastructure Structures.“ Its primary objective is creating and estimating semi-parametric and non-parametric statistical…
Single machine scheduling with position dependent maintenance
M. Sc. Andreas Hipp (Chair of Business Administration, HSU) Machine wear and tear is a typical problem that must be dealt with in real-world production environments. In scheduling research since the 1980s, time-dependent deterioration is usually identified as the main factor for machine wear. In our work, we focus on machine deterioration that is not…
The 2-stage no-wait hybrid flow shop scheduling problem
M. Sc. Andreas Hipp (Chair of Business Administration, HSU) Hybrid flow shop (HFS) scheduling problems as a flow shop production layout adding parallel machines on at least one stage of operation represent popular systems in real-world production environments. In our work, we focus on the no-wait HFS scheduling problem. The no-wait constraint leads to the…
Case Study “Personnel Scheduling in RoRo Terminals” within the project Digitalization and Technology Research Center of the Bundeswehr/German Federal Armed Forces (dtec.bw)
Frank Wiedra, M.Sc. (Chair for Business Administration, HSU) In Roll-on/Roll-off (RoRo) terminals, maritime transshipment of vehicles is carried out as pre- and post-processing for maritime transportation with RoRo ships. In the context of this case study, we focus on personnel scheduling in RoRo terminals, in particular scheduling of mono- and multi-skilled personnel who drive vehicles from parking areas…
Supported Projects (2022)
Modeling Hypersonic Reentry from the Martian Thermosphere down to the Troposphere
Maximilian Maigler & Valentina Pessina (Institute of Plasmatechnology, UniBw M) With the increased interest of both private and public institutions to make manned missions to Mars possible, it is crucial to accurately predict to aerothermal loads on the spacecraft during hypersonic reentry, furthermore due to trajectory analyses to control the point of landing on the…
Optimization of an IGA Code in MATLAB for parallel computing
Dr.–Ing. Georgios Michaloudis (Professorship Structural Analysis, UniBw M) Goal of this project within the framework of hpc.bw is the optimization of the performance of an In-House MATLAB Code, which is being developed from our researchers. The general area of application of the Code is Computational Structural Mechanics by deploying the Isogeometric Analysis framework. Novel computational methods are being…
Monte Carlo simulations of real fluids
Univ.-Prof. Dr.–Ing. Karsten Meier (Chair of Thermodynamics, HSU) Thermodynamic properties of gases and liquids over wide ranges of temperature and pressure can be determined by molecular-dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations. In such simulations, the interactions between molecules are almost exclusively modeled by simple effective pair potentials, such as the Lennard-Jones potential. With such an approach, accurate predictions are…
Enabling High-Throughput Studies of Reactive Materials
Christopher Lange (Department of Mechanical Engineering, HSU) The project aims at establishing an optimized simulation framework for the atomistic modeling of impact-induced chemical reactions in new weapon materials. In our mechano-chemical research we combine atomic and molecular dynamics simulations. Strain-dependent reaction paths are determined with static ab initio simulations and coupled with impact-induced strains found by…
benEFIT- Numerical simulation of non-destructive testing in concrete
Fabian Dethof (Professorship Engineering Materials and Building Preservation, HSU) In order to assess the current state of concrete structures like a buildings or bridges without causing any damage, different non-destructive testing (NDT) methods can be performed. Some of those methods are based on elastic wave propagation like the ultrasonic testing (UT) or the impact echo (IE)…
DigiTaKS* Learning behavior of students in dealing with digital media and tools
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schmidt-Lauff and Dr. Therese Rosemann (Professorship for continuing education and lifelong learning, HSU) The cooperation of the project Hpc.bw (Competence Platform for Software Efficiency and Supercomputing) and the research project DigiTaKS* (Digital competences for study and work – development of a model for transformative digital competences for students) aims at the implementation of an automated, individualized result…
C-STAR Electric Propulsion Demonstrator Multiphysics Modeling
Maximilian Maigler (Professorship for Plasma Technology and basics of Electrical Engineering, UniBw M) The C-STAR experimental thruster is a novel electric propulsion system developed at the Laboratory of Plasma Technology of the UniBw Munich. It is a vacuum arc thruster, which employs a strong direct-current arc to ionize a propellant traversing the arc. Using permanent…
Letzte Änderung: 9. December 2024