A total of 35 participants joined our first workshop at HSU on Thursday, September 28th. It was offered as part of the HPC Competence Platform (HPCCP) for beginners and intermediate HPC users. The workshop provided an overview of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and included an introduction to the use of our supercomputer, HSUper. Practical tasks were incorporated to allow participants to apply their acquired knowledge of the supercomputer. Topics such as the historical development of HPC, information on data transfer to remote machines, and the storage system of the cluster were covered both theoretically and practically.

Furthermore, the workshop included discussions on writing, submitting, and managing Slurm jobs, as well as loading and installing software using Spack and Lmod. An introduction to GPU-based training of a neural network across multiple nodes concluded our one-day workshop. Feel free to subscribe to our newsletter to receive information about upcoming events.