Registration no longer possible!
As part of the HPC competence platform, a HSUper workshop will be held at the HSU on 28.09.2023. The workshop is aimed at beginners and advanced HPC users. We cordially invite you to attend the workshop to gain a comprehensive insight into High Performance Computing and an introduction to the use of the HSUper supercomputer!

Topics such as HPC and Linux basics, data transfer to HSUper, obtaining hardware information and utilizing the BeeGFS parallel storage system will be covered. In addition, the workshop will provide information on how to use module systems, install and load software packages. Besides an introduction on how to allocate nodes of HSUper interactively or by writing scripts, forwarding the output of graphical applications with X11 is also covered. The contents will be demonstrated with practical examples. We also offer a tour of HSUper.
You are cordially invited to attend the HSUper workshop if you are interested in learning more about HPC and how to perform computations on HSUper, or if you already have some experience working with this super computer!
Please register for the workshop until 14.09.2023 by sending an e-mail with subject line “Registration: HSUper workshop 28.09.2023” to [email protected].