Nov 10 2022

Seminar Computation & Data: Session on Thu, 24.11.2022, 14:30-16:00

Location: online only (link shared via e-mail) Christian Brandlhuber (21 strategies GmbH): Battlefield superiority by enhanced tactics. AI for tactical decision sequences and emergence Artificial intelligence is already playing an increasingly important role in the timely evaluation of sensor data and is thus making a significant contribution to improving situational…
Nov 01 2022

Seminar Computation & Data: Session on Wed, 09.11.2022, 11:00-12:00

Location: Aula, room 2; digital participation (link shared via e-mail) Matthias Mayr (UniBw M): Sustainable development of multi-level block preconditioners in Trilinos/MueLu In this talk, we will summarize our developments of scalable multi-level block-preconditioning methods in the framework of Trilinos/MueLu for the efficient solution of multi-physics phenomena. The simulation of…
Oct 20 2022

Seminar Computation & Data: Session on Thu, 27.10.2022, 14:30-16:00

Location: H1, room 205; digital participation (link shared via e-mail) Andreas Fink (HSU): HPC for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Logistics: Challenges and Examples While HPC is established in engineering and science, this is not yet the case for solving NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems in business administration (e.g. in logistics).…
Aug 26 2022

HPC User Meetings

Our quarterly user meetings are open to every HSUper and ISCC user to share experiences and concerns. Link to the event calendar: User Meetings
Jun 20 2022 at Open Campus HSU

On 18 June 2022, the team welcomed numerous visitors to the Open Campus at the booth. In addition, visitors could learn more about HPC at the presentation “High Performance Computing: Numerical Simulation on 40.000 cores”. The High Performance Computing (HPC) - Cluster Tour made it possible to visit the…
Jun 19 2022

Seminar Computation & Data: Session on Thu, 30.06.2021, 15:00-16:00

Location: H1, Hörsaal 3; digital participation (link shared via e-mail) Speakers: Thomas Döbbert and Martin Holters Title: Digital sensor-2-cloud campus platform Abstract: Wireless networks support highly flexible manufacturing processes towards the digitization of industrial production (automation). 5G is currently being marketed as universal solution for future wireless communication. However, also…
May 12 2022

Seminar Computation & Data: Session on Thu, 02.06.2021, 15:00-16:00

Location: H1, Hörsaal 3; digital participation (link shared via e-mail) Speaker: Derek Groen from Brunel University London. Derek is a lecturer in simulation and modeling, and his research is interdisciplinary, focusing primarily on multiscale modelling and high-performance computing for various applications. Title: Multiscale Migration Modelling using Supercomputers: enabling agent-based modelling…
Apr 21 2022

Seminar Computation & Data: Session on Thu, 28.04.2021, 15:00-16:00

Location: H1, Hörsaal 3; digital participation (link shared via e-mail) "Infrastructure Information Modelling: Workflow for an overall model infrastructure embedded in spatial base data" Jens Bartnitzek (A+S Consult GmbH) Infrastructure Information Modelling is an approach which requires rethinking in the sense of cultural shift towards a systematic and partnership-based approach…
Mar 10 2022

Seminar Computation & Data: Session on Thu, 31.03.2021, 15:00-16:00

Location: H1, Hörsaal 3; digital participation (link shared via e-mail) 15:00-15:30 Yannis Schumann (HSU): Data-driven Inference of Stencils for Discrete Differential Operators Partial differential equations (PDEs) are extensively used across scientific disciplines for modeling and describing various processes under consideration. Finite element, finite difference or similar methods allow to numerically…