Oct 17 2023

Seminar Series: Computation & Data on Wed, 13.12.2023, 16:00-18:00

Valentina Pessina (UniBw M): Modeling Rarefied and Continuous High Angle-of-Attack Hypersonic. Reentry into Martian Atmosphere with Open-Source SoftwareHypersonic reentry of the Viking capsule in the Martian atmosphere is the object of this study. During the descending trajectory (140 Km - 31 km), the flow regime changes from free-molecular to continuous.…
Oct 17 2023

Seminar Series: Computation & Data on Wed, 29.11.2023, 16:00-18:00

Therese Rosemann & Yannis Schumann (HSU): Digital  Competences and Digital Learning Behavior in Higher Education - Generation of individualized Feedback in a Longitudinal Study (DigiTaKS* and hpc.bw)Researchers in the educational sciences often face the challenge of recruiting sufficient study participants to produce sound results. As one incentive for participation, an…
Oct 17 2023

Seminar Series: Computation & Data on Wed, 25.10.2023, 16:00-18:00

Maria Maleshkova (HSU): Digital Twins – Building Blocks for Medical Data ScienceDigital Twins have become an established technology for realizing Industrie 4.0 applications, especially in the context of creating monitoring, optimization, or analytic systems. It is only in recent years that the potential of employing digital twins in the medical…
Jun 29 2023

HSUper workshop – 28.09.2023

Registration no longer possible! As part of the HPC competence platform, a HSUper workshop will be held at the HSU on 28.09.2023. The workshop is aimed at beginners and advanced HPC users. We cordially invite you to attend the workshop to gain a comprehensive insight into High Performance Computing and…
May 15 2023

Seminar Computation & Data: Session on Thu, 25.05.2023, 16:00-18:00

Gerhard Wellein: Application Knowledge Required: Performance Modeling for Fund and Profit Gerhard Wellein is a Professor for High Performance Computing at the Department for Computer Science of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and holds a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Bayreuth. He is a member of the board…
Feb 23 2023

Seminar Computation & Data: Session on Thu, 30.03.2023, 14:30-16:00

Frederike Vogel (HSU/Statistics and Data Science): Supervised learning for analyzing movement patterns in a virtual reality experiment Marcel Eckert (HSU/Computer Engineering): How FPGAs can speed up algorithms by 2 examples Link for online participation Link to event
Jan 30 2023

Open Campus 2023

During Open Campus 2023 (24th of June) CBRZ/HSUper tours will be offered: Please register at our booth (no. 35 on the map, building H1, in front of the exit to the mensa building) during Open Campus for a tour starting at 11:00 or 13:00. Visit the official Open Campus website…