Seminar Computation & Data: Session on Wed, 09.11.2022, 11:00-12:00


3. February 2023

Location: Aula, room 2; digital participation (link shared via e-mail)

Matthias Mayr (UniBw M): Sustainable development of multi-level block preconditioners in Trilinos/MueLu

In this talk, we will summarize our developments of scalable multi-level block-preconditioning methods in the framework of Trilinos/MueLu for the efficient solution of multi-physics phenomena. The simulation of such phenomena plays an important role in various disciplines. To efficiently solve the arising linear systems of equations, the preconditioners can be tailored to coupled problems, ranging from volume, mixed-dimensional to interface coupled scenarios.

The link for online participation is shared via newsletter: Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line „Subscription Seminar Computation & Data”