European Trilinos & Kokkos User Group (EuroTUG) 2024


16. July 2024

EuroTUG 2024
Group Picture: EuroTUG 2024

The EuroTUG 2024 took place at HSU from 24.06.-26.06.2024. The event began with a lecture by Jakob Bludau (TUM Munich) on introduction to Kokkos on the first day, followed by a lecture by Chris Siefert (Sandia) on the transition from Epetra to Tpetra. The second day was devoted to introductions to Trilinos by Alexander Heinlein (TU Delft), in a hackathon led by Matthias Mayr (UniBw M), Chris Siefert (Sandia), Alexander Heinlein (TU Delft), and other Sandia staff members. On the last day, Philipp Neumann (DESY Hamburg) provided an overview of HPC research at HSU, while Piet Jarmatz (HSU) gave a report on the hardware and software of the supercomputer HSUper. At the end, there was an opportunity to see the cluster from the inside during a tour.

The EuroTUG was enriched by contributed talks:

  • Jascha Knepper (University Cologne): Adaptive GDSW (AGDSW): A Coarse Space for the Overlapping Schwarz Domain Decomposition Method and Highly Heterogeneous Positive Semidefinite Problems in Trilinos
  • Jan Philipp Thiele (Weierstraß-Institut Berlin): The Research Software Engineer (RSE): Who is that? And what skills do they have to help you?
  • Lea Saßmannshausen (University of Cologne): Parallel Scalable Domain Decomposition Methods in Pharmaco-Mechanical Fluid-Structure Interaction
  • Daniel Santos-Oliván (EMBL Barcelona): HPC computational modeling of multicellular systems
  • Sebastian Kinnewig (Leibniz-University Hannover): Transitioning the deal.II Trilinos Interface: From Epetra to Tpetra
  • Max Firmbach (UniBw M): Block preconditioning for fluid-structure interaction in Trilinos: Teko vs MueLu