Welcome to the Chair of the History of Knowledge of Modern Societies

Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Professur für Neuere Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Technikgeschichte
am Seminar für Geschichtswissenschaft

Address: Holstenhofweg 85, D-22043 Hamburg
Telephone: 040-6541-3362
Email address: [email protected]
Homepage: https://www.hsu-hh.de/histec/
Chair person/director: Prof. Dr. H. Hartmann
Contact: Prof. Dr. H. Hartmann

Short description: With some exceptions the students of the University of the Federal Armed Forces are young officers mainly from Germany, but also from other countries. However, a program to accept students unrelated to the Armed Forces is going to be established. – Although financed by the Ministry of Defence, the university is part of the Hamburg university system; its curricula in the four departments (Humanities, Social Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) are similar to those taught at the two other Hamburg universities. There is a close cooperation in research and teaching. – Apart from its students, the University differs from other German State universities in two respects: the academic year is divided into terms instead of semesters which means that a B.A. and an M.A. degree can be obtained within two and a half or three and a half years respectively. The students are also required to attend lectures and seminars in a subject of a different department. – For advanced studies in the history of technology, the Universität der Bundeswehr welcomes excellent graduate students as PhD candidates.

Research Projects of the Chair of the History of Knowledge of Modern Societies

Unsplash License, Foto von Mohit Kumar
Statistics and agriculture
Modernization, Planning and Intervention in the History of European Integration
Moede, Walther (1921): Ergebnisse der industriellen Psychotechnik. In: Praktische Psychologie 2 (10), S. 289–328, hier: S. 294
Materiality in psychotechnics
A. Franz
Military Statistics in Europe in the Long 19th Century
Christiansen-Weniger, Friedrich / Tosun, Osman: Die Trockenlandwirtschaft im Sprichwort des anatolischen Bauern, Ankara 1939
European knowledge networks and agricultural development concepts in the Mediterranean region in the 20th century.