Curriculum Vitae
born 1984 in Eilenburg (Germany)
Dissertation (grade A: magna cum laude): Princely decision making. The Dukes of Saxony-Weimar among academic discourse and princely advice, 1603 to 1623 (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt, University of Jena, Germany/Prof. Dr. Arno Strohmeyer, University of Salzburg, Austria) [Fürstliche Entscheidungsfindung zum Krieg. Die Herzöge von Sachsen-Weimar zwischen gelehrtem Diskurs und fürstlicher Beratung 1603-1623]
Exam Thesis (grade: A): The alliances of Gustav II Adolf of Sweden with the Protestant Imperial Estates following the example of Saxony-Weimar (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt/Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmidt, University of Jena) [Die Bündnispolitik Gustav II. Adolfs von Schweden mit den evangelischen Reichsständen – das Beispiel Sachsen-Weimar]
Complementary Studies of classical philology/classical Latin, University of Jena
Studies of history, political science and education, University of Jena (with distinction: A+)
A Level (evening class; with distinction: A+)
Third-party funds
04/2017 – 03/2020
Doctoral scholarship awarded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
Research stay in Vienna (Austria) and in Praque (Czech Republic) funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation [Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes]
Research and teaching expertise
Humanism; Renaissance; Early Modern History
Europe in the 16th and 17th century; Baltic See around 1600; Habsburg Monarchy (Austrian lands, Bohemia); Holy Roman Empire and its lands from the 15th to the early 19th Century (Saxony)
History of political ideas; History of diplomacy and international relations; History of science and history of knowledge
Special issues
Reformation; Thirty Years War; diplomacy and international law around 1600; political decision making; House of Wettin; Habsburg Monarchy
Research experience
Since 04/2021
Research associate (postdoc) at the Department of Early Modern History, Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg ( Jutta Nowosadtko)
Dissertation: Princely decision making in times of war. The dukes of Saxony-Weimar among academic discourse and princely advice, 1603 to 1623
Part-time research associate at the Department of Early Modern History, University of Jena (Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt)
Student assistant at the Department of Early Modern History, University of Jena (Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt)
Internship at the Austrian Academy of Science, Department of Middle Ages, Vienna/Austria (Supervisors: Sonja Dünnebeil/PD Dr. Andreas Zajic)
Archival Internship at the University of Jena (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Joachim Bauer)
Relevant skills
Language skills
- German (native language)
- English (spoken/written: C1)
- French (spoken: B1/B2; reading/translation: C1)
- Latin (reading/translation: extensive)
- Ancient Greek (reading/translation: basic skills, B1/B2)
Language course at Hilderstone College, St Peter’s Road, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2JW, United Kingdom („advanced academic English”, accredited at C1)
Archival experience
- Germany: National Archives of Altenburg, Weimar, Dresden, Nuremberg, Munich
- Austria: Austrian National Archive (Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv), National War Archive (Kriegsarchiv), National Administrative Archive including the Court Chamber Archive (Allgemeines Verwaltungsarchiv, Hofkammerarchiv)
- Czech Republic: Czech National Archive, Prague
Library experience
- Austria: Austrian National Library, Vienna
- Germany: Library of Duchess Anna Amalia, Weimar; Library of Duke August the Younger, Wolfenbüttel; Bavarian State Library, Munich
Paleographical skills
Paleography of German, French, and Latin, 16th to 19th century (extensive)
Technical skills
- Operating systems: Microsoft Windows up to Windows 10; MacOS
- Data base: Microsoft Access; Endnote, Citavi, Zotero
- Data analyzing tools: MAXQDA
- Digital learning/presentation: Zoom Meetings, Skype, WebEx, Blackboard Collaborate, BigBlueButton
Admin experiences
Organized conference panels
Conference panel in collaboration with Stefanie Freyer (Osnabrück/Germany): Dynamics of representatives among consensus and competition [Dynamiken der Gesandtschaftspolitik zwischen Konsens und Konkurrenz (Conference of the research group ‘Early Modern History of the association of historians, Rostock (Germany), September 19th-21th 2019)]
since 05/2020
Member of selection committee of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation which evaluates the student fellowships applications
Member of association of research associates, Department of History, University of Jena
Elected member of committee of the Philosophical Faculty, University of Jena
Relevant training
Summer schools
International summer school „The Thirty Years War. Aftermath and Legacy”, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel (Organizer: Prof Mary Lindmann, Miami/ USA)
Teaching training
‚How to teach in university’, basic course: innovative teaching – research issues as basis of teaching; Evaluate student lectures [Zertifikatsprogramm „Lehre Lernen Basic“, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Innovative Lehre: Probleme aus Forschung und Praxis als Ausgangspunkt der Lehre; Referate und Vorträge bewerten)]
Professional memberships
- Austria: Institute research of Early Modern History, Vienna [IEFN: Institut für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit, Wien]; Austrian Society for research the history of eighteenth century [ÖGE: Österreichische Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, Wien]
- Germany: Association of Historians in Germany [VDH: Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschland e. V.]
(forthcoming): Princely decision making. The Dukes of Saxony-Weimar among academic discourse and princely advice, 1603 to 1623, Jena (Dissertation).
(unpublished, 2015): The alliances of Gustav II Adolf of Sweden with the Protestant Imperial Estates following the example of Saxony-Weimar (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt/Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmidt, University of Jena).
(submitted, release expected in winter 2021): Competition and dynastic interests. Duches Dorothea Maria of Anhalt (1574-1617) and the Imperial Diet of Regensburg (1608) [Konkurrenz und dynastische Interessen. Herzogin Dorothea Maria von Anhalt (1574-1617) und der Regensburger Reichstag von 1608. Erscheint im Ergebnisband der Konferenz „Konkurrenzen“ der AG „Frühe Neuzeit“ des Verbandes der Historiker und Historikerinnen].
(submitted, release expected in spring 2021): Neutrality or Assistance? The Perception of the Bohemian riots by Johann Wilhelm Neumair of Ramsla (1572-1641) [Neutralität oder Assistenz? Die Wahrnehmung der böhmischen Uuruhen durch Johann Wilhelm Neumair von Ramsla (1572-1641), in: Julia Gebke et al (eds.) The Diplomatic Self in Early Modern Times. Negotiating – Narrating – Shaping Relations (Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau 2021)].
(submitted, release expected in spring 2021) Actors of decision-making? Friedrich Hortleder (1579-1640) and the beginning of the Thirty Years War [Zum Krieg beraten? Friedrich Hortleder (1579-1640) und der Beginn des Dreißigjährigen Krieges, in: Siegrid Westphal et al (eds.), Mitten in Deutschland – mitten im Krieg? Leben und Handeln in einer Ausnahmesituation, 1618-1648 (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2021)].
(2020) The use of a scholarly library. Thoughts on the Bibliotheca Universalis Uffenbachiana [Die Nutzung einer Gelehrtensammlung. Überlegungen zur Bibliotheca Universalis Uffenbachiana, in: Markus Friedrich/Monika Mueller (eds.), Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach in seiner Zeit. Wissen und Gelehrtenkultur um 1700 (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2020), pp. 283-318.]
(2019) Powder-keg Bohemia. Elector Palatine Frederick V as dynastic and constitutional issue of the House of Wettin [Pulverfass Böhmen. Friedrich V. als dynastisch-staatsrechtliches Sicherheitsproblem der Wettiner, in: Horst Carl/Rainer Babel/Christoph Kampmann (eds.), Sicherheitsprobleme im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Bedrohung, Ambivalenzen, Konzepte im französisch-deutschen Vergleich (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2019), pp. 511-543].
(2017) Johann Major as counsellor? (2017) [Johann Major als Politikberater? In: Katharina Bracht (ed.), Johann Major (1564-1654). Professor der Theologie, Superintendent in Jena und Kirchenpolitiker im 30jährigen Krieg (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt: 2017) pp. 69-95.]
(2016) Policy counselling in Jena. Duke Johann Ernst the Younger and the war in Bohemia (2016) [Jenaer Politikberatung. Herzog Johann Ernst d. J. und der Böhmische Krieg (2016), in: Siegrid Westphal/Hans-Werner Hahn/Georg Schmidt (eds.), Die Welt der Ernestiner. Ein Lesebuch (Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau 2016), pp. 168-174].
(2016) A Family tree in favour of Jena (2016) [Ein Stammbaum für Jena, in: Friedegund Freitag/Karin Kolb (eds.), Die Ernestiner. Eine Dynastie prägt Europa (Dresden: Sandstein Verlag, 2016), p. 98].
Book Reviews
(2019) Review Fabian Schulze, Die Reichskreise im Dreißigjährigen Krieg. Kriegsfinanzierung und Bündnispolitik im Heiligen Römischen Reich Deutscher Nation (= Bibliothek Altes Reich, Bd. 23), Berlin/Boston 2018, in: Historische Zeitschrift 309/3 (2019), pp. 683-685.
Conference presentations
[upcoming] 21-23 September 2021 (Osnabrück/Germany): Official envoy vs. private person. The imperial legation of Karl Hannibal of Dohna (1620/1621) [„[O]ffner Gesandte[r]“ vs. „Priuat Person“. Die kaiserlichen Gesandtschaften Karl Hannibals von Dohna 1620/21 (Tagung/Workshop: Traveling Diplomats. Aims, Practices, Impact)].
[Online] 29-31 October 2020 (Salzburg/Austria): Internal written concepts. The ‘diplomatic interaction’ of Duchess Dorothea Maria of Saxony-Weimar (1574 to 1617) with the court of Prague before the Thirty Years War [Medialität und Kommunikation interner Briefkonzepte. Die ‚diplomatische Korrespondenz‘ Dorothea Marias von Sachsen-Weimar (1574-1617) mit dem Prager Kaiserhof im Vorfeld des Dreißigjährigen Krieges (Tagung: Die Medialität des Briefes – Diplomatische Korrespondenz im Kontext frühneuzeitlicher Briefkultur im 16./17. Jahrhundert)].
24 January 2020 (Graz/Austria): Policy advice and princely ruling. The University of Jena and the Dukes of Saxony-Weimar during the Thirty Years War [Politikberatung und Fürstenregiment. Die Universität Jena und die Weimarer Herzöge im Dreißigjährigen Krieg (Tagung/Workshop: „Expertenkultur“/Politikberatung“ in der Frühen Neuzeit)].
19 September 2019 (Rostock/Germany): Among consensus and competition. The representation of the House of Weimar at the Imperial Diet 1608 [Zwischen Konkurrenz und Rivalität. Die vormundschaftliche Vertretung Sachsen-Weimars auf dem Reichstag 1608 (Conference: AK Frühe Neuzeit „Konkurrenzen“; Conference Panel in collaboration with Stefanie Freyer; Participants: Dr. Volker Arnke, Siegrid Westphal (Osnabrück/Germany), Lena Oetzel, (Salzburg/Austria)].
11 April 2019 (Hamburg/Germany): Educator – Collector – Historian – Counsellor. Friedrich Hortleder (1579-1640) and the beginning of the Thirty Years War [Erzieher – Sammler – Historiker – Rat. Friedrich Hortleder und der Beginn des Dreißigjährigen Krieges (Research colloquium Prof. Dr. Markus Friedrich)].
9 January 2019 (Cambridge/UK): Prudentia a se – Prudentia ab iis. Two types of political prudence in Justus Lipsius’ Politicorum libri six (Conference: Monarchy and Modernity since 1500).
1 December 2018 (Hamburg/Germany): Zacharias Konrad of Uffenbach and the scholars of the University of Jena. Thoughts on functions of his collection of letters in the light of his library [Zacharias Konrad von Uffenbach und die Jenaer Gelehrtenlandschaft. Überlegungen zur Funktion der Briefsammlung im Spiegel seiner Gesamtbibliothek (Conference: Zacharias Konrad von Uffenbach in seiner Zeit. Wissen und Gelehrtenkultur um 1700)].
14 September 2018 (Gotha/Germany): The meaning of ‚Constitutional War‘. Scholarly counselling at the beginning of the Thirty Years War [Die Konstruktion des Verfassungskrieges. Politische Beratungsstrategien der Gelehrten Sachsen-Weimars am Beginn des Dreißigjährigen Krieges (Conference: Mitten in Deutschland, Mitten im Krieg. Leben und Handeln in einer Ausnahmesituation, 1618-1648)].
27 January 2017 (Erlangen/Germany): Political advice and state building in Saxony-Weimar. Issues at the beginning of Thirty Years War [Politikberatung und innere Staatsbildung in Sachsen-Weimar. Problemfelder und Lösungsversuche am Beginn des Dreißigjährigen Krieges (PhD-Workshop: Staatsbildungskrieg vor Ort? Lokalverwaltung und Krisenbewältigung im Dreißigjährigen Krieg).
5 October 2016 (Vienna/Austria): The perception of the Bohemian riots 1619 by taking the example of Johann Wilhelm Neumair of Ramsla (1572 to 1641) [Die Wahrnehmung der Böhmischen Unruhen 1619 am Beispiel Johann Wilhelm Neumair von Ramslas (1572-1641) (Conference: Trägerschichten frühneuzeitlicher Außenpolitik in ihren Selbstzeugnissen)].
30 September 2016 (Paris/France): Tinderbox Bohemia. Elector Palatine Frederick V as political problem of the House of Wettin [Pulverfass Böhmen. Friedrich V. von der Pfalz als wettinisches Sicherheitsproblem (Conference: Sicherheitsprobleme im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Bedrohungen, Konzepte, Ambivalenzen)].
15-16 September 2016 (Ghent/Belgium): Worthless? Joseph II and the Imperial Crown [Wertloses Gepränge? Joseph II. und die Kaiserkrone (Conference: More than Mere Spectacle. Inaugurations and Coronations in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1700-1848) (in collaboration with Anne Fuchs (Weimar/Germany)].
Teaching (University of Jena, Germany)
Term | Course | H | Issue | Class size |
Notes | |
W 17 | SE | UG | 2 | The Holy Roman Empire in early modern history, 1495 to 1806 [Das Heilige Römische Reich Deutscher Nation in der Frühen Neuzeit, 1495-1806] | 9 | in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Burgdorf |
S 17 | SE | UG | 2 | Lifelong enemies? King Frederick II of Brandenburg-Prussia and Empress Maria Theresia [Feinde fürs Leben? Friedrich II. und Maria Theresia] | 11 | in collaboration with PD Dr. Astrid Ackermann, |
W 16 | SE | UG | 4 | Princely favorites in early modern history [Die zweite Reihe!? Fürstliche Favoriten in der Frühen Neuzeit] | 10 | independently |
S 16 | E | UG/IG | 1 | Handwritten sources in the Age of Confessionalisation 1555 to 1648 [Handschriftliche Quellen im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung 1555-1648] | 2 | in collaboration with Dr. Ingo Leinert |
SE | UG | 3 | Ius ad Bellum – Ius ad Pacem. International law, reason of state, and international relations 1500 to 1714 [Ius ad Bellum – Ius ad Pacem. Völkerrecht, Staatsräson und internationale Beziehungen 1500-1714] | 10 | independently | |
W 15 | SE | UG | 3 | Empire-Reign-Dynasty. The Habsburg Monarchy and Europe 1486 to 1714/63 [Imperium-Herrschaft-Dynastie. Die Habsburger, ihre Reiche und Europa 1486 bis 1714/63] | 9 | independently |
SE | UG | 1 | Introduction to historical studies [Einführung in das Studium der Geschichtswissenschaft] | 11 | in collaboration with Dr. Ingo Leinert | |
S15 | T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar ‘Environment in early modern Europe’ [Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten] | 20 | Seminar given by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Burgdorf |
T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar ‘Crime in early modern history’ | 20 | Seminar given by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Burgdorf | |
W 14 | T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar ‘Introduction to historical studies’ | 20 | Seminar given by Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt |
T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar ‘The Holy Roman Empire within the 17th century’ | 16 | Seminar given by PD Dr. Astrid Ackermann | |
W 13 | T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar ‘Introduction to historical studies’ | 20 | Seminar given by Dr. Stefanie Freyer |
S 13 | T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar to the Seminar ‘The Thirty Years War’ | 12 | Seminar given by Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt |
T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar ‘The Emperor and the Prince Electors’ | 20 | Seminar given by Anne Fuchs | |
W 12 | T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar ‘Introduction to historical studies’ | 24 | Seminar given by Anne Fuchs |
T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar ‘Introduction to historical studies’ | 16 | Seminar given by Dr. Stefanie Freyer | |
W 11 | T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar ‘Introduction to historical studies’ | 16 | Seminar given by Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt |
T | UG | 2 | ‘Introduction to historical methods for undergraduate students in regard to the seminar ‘Introduction to historical studies’ | 10 | Seminar given by Dr. Stefanie Freyer |
Explanation of abbreviations
W: Winter term, October 1st to March 31th; S: Summer term, April 1st to September 30th; UG: Course for undergraduates (up to the fourth semester); IG: Course for intermediate students (from fifth semester); SE: Seminar at the university; E: Exercise that means a practical course including the attendance in the National Archive of Weimar; T: Tutorial for undergraduate students; H: Duration of the course
Letzte Änderung: 4. July 2023