Wissenschaftliche Laborleitung

Prof. Dr.Ing. Th. Fickenscher

PD Dr.-Ing. Th. Fickenscher
+49 (0)40 6541-2770
+49 (0)40 6541-2061
Sprechstunde : nach Vereinbarung
Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Gebäude H1
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik
22039 Hamburg


  • Vorlesung Hochfrequenztechnik I, II und Mikrowellentechnik
  • Wahlvorlesung Mikro- und Millimeter-Photonik
  • Wahlvorlesung Antennen und Antennensysteme
  • Wahlvorlesung Ausgewählte Kapitel der Hochfrequenztechnik
  • Praktikum Hochfrequenztechnik I, II und Mikrowellentechnik

  • An experiential learning approach

G. Espinosa, J. James, N. Littman, T. Fickenscher, and D. Thiel

in Teaching Electromagnetics, 1st Edition, 2021, CRC Press, eBook ISBN 9781003149231, pp. 21-47 (Chapter)

DOI: 10.1201/9781003149231

  • Lasergesteuerte Millimeterwellen-Richtkoppler in Bildleitungstechnik

Habilitationsschrift, Helmut Schmidt Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg ,

Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 21, Nr. 373, 2006

ISBN 3-18-337321-1

  • Optimierung von optoelektronischen DBR-Filtern auf Silizium-Streifenleitungen im Mikro- und Millimeterwellenbereich

Dissertation FB ET, UniBwH, März 1997

Erstgutachter: Platte, W., Zweitgutachter: Harde, H.

D-NB  Information

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Jenkins, R.

Mehrband Antennenschalter, Multiband Antenna Switch

Europäische Patentschrift EP 1114523 B1 (Patentinhaber Siemens AG), 2004


  • IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
  • IET Microwave, Antennas & Propagation
  • IEE Electronics Letters

Lasergesteuerte Millimeterwellen-Richtkoppler in Bildleitungstechnik

Durch optische Anregung mittels Laser im CW- oder Pulsbetrieb lassen sich die Ausbreitungseigenschaften dielektrischer Wellenleiter mit geschichtetem, partiell mit photoempfindlichem Halbleitermaterial gefülltem Dielektrikum sowie dielektrischer Wellenleiter aus Halbleiter-Vollsubstraten optoelektronisch beeinflussen. Theoretisch und experimentell untersucht werden photonische Leitungskoppler, Aperturkoppler und strahlteilerbasierte Richtkoppler in Bildleitungstechnik für Anwendungen im W-Band. Ziel ist es, integrierte Richtkoppler mit hoher optoelektronischer Empfindlichkeit bzw. mit schnellem dynamischen Verhalten zu realisieren. Gegenüber konventionellen, rein elektronischen Verfahren bietet die lasergesteuerte Technik eine Reihe von attraktiven Vorteile, wie beispielsweise die nahezu perfekte Isolation zwischen steuerndem optischen Signal und gesteuertem MMW-Signal, Pikosekunden-Genauigkeit, Jitterfreiheit, schnelle Antwortzeiten, extrem hohe Bandbreiten und die einfache Handhabung hoher Leistungen.

Optisch steuerbare mm-Wellen-Richtkoppler in Bildleitungstechnik


  • Bonnett, B. ; Schmaljohann, H. ; Fickenscher, T.

Calibrated processing for improved synthetic aperture sonar imagery

Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 47, 070007 (2022)

DOI    10.1121/2.0001599

  • Sommer, M. ; Schmaljohann, H. ; Bonnett, B. ; Fickenscher, T.

Dual band CSAS system and processing adaptation

Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 47, 070014 (2022)

DOI    10.1121/2.0001614

  • Bonnett, B. ; Schmaljohann, H. ; Fickenscher, T. ; Herter, U.

Seafloor segmentation using multi-band SAS: initial results

6th Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition, UACE2021, Virtual Meeting, 20–25 Jun 2021, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 44, 070015 (2021)

DOI    10.1121/2.0001481

  • Espinosa, H. G. ; Fickenscher, T. ; Littman, N. ; Thiel, D. V.

Teaching wireless communications courses: An experiential learning approach

14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2020, pp. 1-5

DOI    10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135204

  • Herter, U. ; Bonnett, B. ; Schmaljohann, H. ; Fickenscher, T.


5th Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition, UACE2019, Crete, 30 June – 5 July 2019 (Paper ID: 931)

DOI    UAC Conferences.org/docs/2019_papers/UACE2019_931

  • Majeed, F. ; Fickenscher, T. ; Shahpari, M. ; Thiel, D.

Measurement of surface conductivity of graphene at W‐band

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2019, 1–8

DOI     https://doi.org/10.1002/mop.31826

  • Herter, U. ; Schmaljohann, H. ; Fickenscher, T.

Impact and Limitations Imposed by Stop-and-Hop Approximation on CSAS Imagery

Synthetic Aperture Sonar and Synthetic Apertur Radar, SAS/SAR 2018, Lerici, 5-7 Sept. 2018

  • Majeed, F ; Fickenscher, T ; Shahpari, M, ; Thiel, D.

Microwave conductivity measurements of a graphene monolayer over D‐band

Australian Microwave Symposium (IEEE); 2018: 63‐ 64

DOI     https://doi.org/10.1109/AUSMS.2018.8346983

  • Raza, M.B. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Impact of Yaw Angle of Wind Turbines on Diffraction Loss of Radar Signals

International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation ISAP 2017, Phuket, 30 Oct. – 2 Nov. 2017

DOI     https://doi.org/10.1109/ISANP.2017.8228738

  • Herter, U. ; Schmaljohann, H. ; Fickenscher, T.

Sound Speed Corrections Using Autofocus on SAS Images

4th Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition, UACE2017, Skiathos, 3-8 Sept. 2017

DOI     UACE2017 Proceedings

  •  Raza, M.B. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Impact of Off-Shore Wind Turbine on Forward Scattering of Marine Radar Signals

IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2017), Honolulu, 4-9 June 2017

DOI     https://doi.org/10.1109/MWSYM.2017.8058726

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Raza, M.B.

Analytical Investigation of Diffraction at Multiple Blades of Wind Turbine Rotor

13th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2016, London, 3.-7. October 2016

DOI     https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7811633

  • Herter, U. ; Schmaljohann, H. ; Fickenscher, T.

Autofocus Performance on Multi Channel SAS Images in the Presence of Overlapping Phase Centers

Oceans’ 16 MTS/IEEE, Monterey, 19.-22. Sept. 2016

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7761082/

  • Raza, M. ; Fickenscher, T.

Impact of Blade Shape and Pitch Angle on Wind Turbine Forward Scattering

International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA 2016, Cairns, 19.-23. Sept. 2016

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7731432/

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Raza, M.B.

Obstruction of Fresnel Zones by Wind Turbine on Illuminated Ground Plane

10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2016, Davos, 10.-15. April 2016

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7481547/

  • Hamid, H.  ;  Rüter, C.  ;  Thiel, D.  ;  Fickenscher, T.

Characteristics and crosstalk of optical waveguides fabricated in polymethyl methacrylate polymer circuit board

Applied Optics, Vol. 55 (2016), 9017—9021

DOI    http://www.osapublishing.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=ao-55-32-9017

  • Raza, M. ; Fickenscher, T.

Impact of Rotor Forward Scattering on 16-QAM Based Communication System

International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation ISAP 2015, Hobart, 9.-12. Nov. 2015

DOI    http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7447520/

  • Fickenscher, T. ; Raza, M.

Interaction of Tower and Rotor of a Wind Turbine in the Context of Diffraction

International Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications CAMA 2015, Chiang Mai, 30. Nov. – 2. Dec. 2015

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CAMA.2015.7428160

  • Fickenscher, T. ; Raza, M.

A Comprehensive Understanding of the Forward Scattering of Radar Signals at the Rotor of a Wind Turbine

International Radar Symposium IRS 2015, Dresden, 24.-26. June 2015

DOI    http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IRS.2015.7226381

  • Raza, M. ; Fickenscher, T.

Impact of Ground Plane on Wind Turbine Forward Scattering

International Workshop on Antenna Technology iWAT 2015, Seoul, 4.-6. March 2015

DOI    http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IWAT.2015.7365296

  • Raza, M. ; Fickenscher, T.

2D Fresnel Diffraction Approach for Wind Turbine Forward Scattering

German Microwave Conference GeMiC 2015, Nürnberg, 16.-18. Mrch 2015

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/GEMIC.2015.7107794

  • Hamid, H.  ;  Fickenscher, T.  ;  Thiel, D.

An Experimental Assessment of SU-8 Waveguides Buried in Plastic Substrate for Optical Interconnections

Applied Optics, Vol. 54 (2015), 6623—6631

DOI     http://www.osapublishing.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=ao-54-22-6623

  • Raza, M. ; Fickenscher, T.

Time-Frequency Spectrum and Path Loss by Wind Turbine Forward Scattering

PIERS 2014, Guangzhou, 25.-28. Aug. 2014

  • Raza, M. ; Zhao, S. ; Fickenscher, T.

Radar Doppler Deviation by Wind Turbine

International Radar Symposium IRS 2014, Gdansk, Poland, 16.-18. Juni 2014

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IRS.2014.6869246

  • Fickenscher, T.

Colocated MIMO Radar for Maritime Applications

Workshop WFF 127, International Microwave Symposium IMS 2014, Tampa, Florida, 1.-6. June 2014

  • Zhao, S. ; Fumeaux, C. ; Fickenscher, T.

MATNEC: An in-house developed tool for electromagnetic simulation and evolutionary optimization of wire antennas

IEEE International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave and Terahertz Applications (NEMO 2014), Pavia, Italy, 14.-16. May 2014

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6995661/

  • Hamid, H. ; Fickenscher, T. ; Thiel, D.

Low Cost Optical Circuits in Plastic Interconnection Manufacturing Method, micro Photonics

International Congress and Exhibition Berlin, 18-20 March 2014

  • Fickenscher, T. ; Raza, M.

Diffraction Loss and Phase Modulation of Terrestrial Radio-Link by Wind Turbine

International Workshop on Antenna Technology iWAT 2014, Sydney, 4.-6. March 2014

DOI    http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IWAT.2014.6958692

  • Hamid, H.  ;  Fickenscher, T.  ;  O’Keefe, S.  ;  Thiel, D.

Fabrication Methods for SU-8 Optical Interconnects in Plastic Substrates

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 26 (2014), 1275–1278

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LPT.2014.2320323

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Evaluative Comparison of Clutter Canceller Beamformer and Amplitude Comparison Monopulse Estimation Scheme in HFSWR

Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2013, Seoul, Korea, 5.-8. Nov. 2013

DOI    http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/APMC.2013.6694868

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Gupta, A.

Clutter Suppresion in HF Surface Wave Radar

RADCOM 2013, Hamburg, 24.-25. April 2013

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Azimuth Estimation for Correlation Detector in HF Surface Wave Radar

RADCOM 2013, Hamburg, 24.-25. April 2013

  • Hagem, R. ; Thiel, D. ; O’Keefe, S. ; Fickenscher, Th.

A Wearable System for Real Time Swimmers Feedback Based on Visible Light Communication

Proceedings of ASTN 1 (2013), 9-10

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Gupta, A. ; Ludwig, P. ; Raza, B.

Impact of Pattern Distortion on Clutter Canceller Beamformer

International Conference on Radar Systems, IET Radar 2013, Xi’an, China, 14.-16. April 2013 (paper D0124)

DOI    http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6624427/

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Evaluation of Correlation Detector for Ship Detection with HF Radar

PIERS 2013, Progress in EIectromagnetic Research Symposium, Taipei, 25.-28. March 2013

  • Raza, B. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Investigating the Radar Returns of a Wind Turbine

PIERS 2013, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Taipei, 25.-28. March 2013, 755-758

  • Hagem, R. ; Haelsig, T. ; O’Keefe, S.G. ; Stamm, A. ; Fickenscher, Th. ; Thiel, D.

Second Generation Swimming Feedback Device Using a Wearable Data Processing System Based on Underwater Visible Light Communication

6th Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology (APCST 2013), Procedia Engineering 2013, 34-39

DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2013.07.065

  • Hamid, H. ; Neeli, M. ; Fickenscher, Th. ; O’Keefe, S.G. ; Thiel, D.

Simple Low Cost Fabrication Method of a Buried Plastic Optical Waveguide for Circuits in Plastic Interconnects

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 55 (2013), No. 8, 1947-1950

DOI: 10.1002/mop.27683

  • Hagem, R. ; O’Keefe, S.G. ; Fickenscher, Th. ; Thiel, D.

Self Contained Adaptable Optical Wireless Communications System for Stroke Rate during Swimming

IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 13 (01/2013), 3144-3151

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2013.2262933

  • Hagem, R. ; Thiel, D. ; O’Keefe, S.G. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Real time swimmers feedback based on a smart infrared (SSIR) optical wireless sensor

Electronics Letters 49 (2013), 340-341

DOI    http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6473946/

  • Fickenscher, T. ; Gupta, A. ; Ludwig, P.

Performance Evaluation of Correlation Detector for HF Surface Wave Radar

Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 4.-7. Dec. 2012

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6421853/

  • Bhabani, S. N. ; Fickenscher T. ; Rabindra, K. M.

Design of Beam Steerable Antenna Operating at 2.8 GHz

Loughborough Antenna & Propagation Conference, LAPC 2012, Loughborough, UK, 12.-13. Nov. 2012

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6403051/

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Oceanographic Model Based Azimuth Estimator for HF Surface Wave Radar

European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2012, Amsterdam, 29.10.-02.11.2012

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6450610/

  • Hagem, R. ; Thiel, D. ; O’Keefe, S. ; Dahm, N. ; Stamm, A. ; Fickenscher, T.

Smart Optical Wireless Sensor for Real Time Swimmers Feedback

IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, 28.-31. October 2012

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6411208/

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, T.

Correlation detector for HF surface wave radar

International Conference on Radar Systems, IET Radar 2012, Glasgow, 22.-25. October 2012

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6494722/

  • Hagem, R. ; Thiel, D. ; O’Keefe, S. ; Fickenscher, T.

Optical Wireless Communication for Real Time Swimmers Feedback: A Review

12. International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, ISCIT 2012, Goald Coast, Australia, 1085-1090, 2.-5. Oct. 2012

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6380853/

  • Hagem, Rabee M. ; Thiel, David V. ; O’Keefe, Steven G. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Optical Wireless Link Budget Calculations for Real Time Swimmers Feedback

4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engeneering, ICCCE ’12, Kuala Lumpur, 3.-5. July 2012

DOI   http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICCCE.2012.6271176

  • Hinz, J. O. ; Holters, M. ; Zölzer, U. ; Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, T.

Presegmentation-Based Adaptive CFAR Detection for HFSWR

IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCon) 2012, Atlanta, May 2012

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/RADAR.2012.6212222

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Hard Threshold Correlation Detector for Mobile HF Surface Wave Radar

International Radar Symposium (IRS) 2012, Warschau, May 2012

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IRS.2012.6233375

Best Paper Award

  • Fickenscher, T. ; Gupta, A. ; Thode, M. ; Helzel, T. ; Kniephoff, M. ; Peterson, L.

First results of WERA in MIMO mode

Radio Oceanography Workshop, ROW 2012, Toulon, 17.-19. April 2012

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Gupta, A.

Novel Concept for Compact ULA Using MIMO Beamforming

PIERS 2012, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, 27.-30. March 2012

  • Hagem, Rabee M. ; Thiel, David V. ; O’Keefe, Steven G. ; Fickenscher, Th.

The effect of air bubbles on an underwater optical communications system for wireless sensor network applications

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Vol. 54 (2012) No. 3, 729-732, März 2012

DOI: 10.1002/mop.26664

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, T. ; Karstädt, P. ; Grant, D.

An Efficient Electrically Small Antenna at HF Band

IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2011, Melbourne, 5. – 8. December 2011

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6173886/

  • Hagem, Rabee M. ; Thiel, David V. ; O’Keefe, Steven G. ; Wixted, Andrew ; Fickenscher, Th.

Low-Cost Short-Range Wireless Optical FSK Modem for Swimmers Feedback

IEEE Sensors 2011, Limmerick, Ireland, October 2011

DOI    http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICSENS.2011.6127036

  • Fickenscher, Th.

Advances and Prospects in HF Surface Wave Radar Research at Helmut Schmidt University

3rd Remote Ocean Sensing (ROS 2011), Nato Underwater Research Centre (NURC), La Spezia, Italy, 11. – 13. October 2011

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Novel Target Detection Enhancement Algorithms in HF Surface Wave Radar

3rd Remote Ocean Sensing (ROS 2011), Nato Underwater Research Centre (NURC), La Spezia, Italy, 11. – 13. October 2011

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Gupta, A. ; Hinz, J. O. ; Holters, M. ; Zölzer, U.

MIMO Surface Wave Radar Using Time Staggered FMCW Chirp Signals

European Radar Conference EuRAD 2011, Manchester, October 2011

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6101030/

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Beamformer Evaluation of Low Power Coastal HF Surface Wave Radar

International Radar Symposium IRS 2011, Leipzig, September 2011

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6042133/

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Gupta, A. ; Ziehm, S. ; Karstädt, P.

Horizontal Displacement and Tilt Angle Compensation for Large Sea Floating Sparse Linear Array for Surface Wave Radar

International Radar Symposium IRS 2011, Leipzig, September 2011

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6042131/

  • Hinz, J. O. ; Fickenscher, Th. ; Gupta, A. ; Holters, M. ; Zölzer, U.

Evaluation of Time-Staggered MIMO FMCW in HFSWR

International Radar Symposium IRS 2011, Leipzig, September 2011

DOI    http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6042184/

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Berndt, O.

Optimization of Damping Distribution along a Broadband Monopole Antenna

COMPUMAG 2011, Sydney, 12.-15. July 2011

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Improved Correlation Detector for HF Surface Wave Radar

IEEE Radar Conference, Kansas City, May 2011

DOI    http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/RADAR.2011.5960530

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Gupta, A.

Colocated MIMO Radar with Time-Shifted FMCW Waveform

RADCOM 2011, Hamburg, April 2011

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Challenges in Beamformer Design for a Shipborne HF Surface Wave Radar

RADCOM 2011, Hamburg, April 2011

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Correlation Based Novel Detection Scheme for HF Surface Wave Radar

IEEE German Microwave Conference, Darmstadt, March 2011

DOI    http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5760762/

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Gupta, A.

Element Spaced Spatially Waveform Diverse FMCW Radar Distributed on Naval Formation

IEEE German Microwave Conference, Darmstadt, March 2011

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5760719/

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Sea Clutter Canceller for Shipborne HF Surface Wave Radar

Workshop on Smart Antennas, Aachen, February 2011

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/WSA.2011.5741914

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Holborn, J. ; Thiel, D.

Underwater Wireless Optical Communication tor Swimmers Feedback Using IrDA Transceiver

Electronics Letters 47 (2011), 1335-1336

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6088052

  • Gupta, A. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Azimuth Estimation in Periodic Linear Sparse Array by Modified Amplitude Comparision Monopulse Radar

Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference APMC 2010, Japan, Dec. 2010

DOI    http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5728217/

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Gupta, A. ; Herschel, R. ; Holters, M. ; Hinz, J. O.

Improved range Resolution for FMCW HF Surface Wave Radar

IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems , Hawaii, September 2010

DOI    http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICWITS.2010.5612289

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Gupta, A.

Challenges in the design of a HF surface wave over the horizon radar distributed on a ship formation

RADCOM 2010, Hamburg, 21.-22. April 2010

  • Fickenscher, Th.

Experimental Results of Optically Controlled Parallel Guide Directional Coupler at W-Band

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 52 (2010), No. 3, 626-629

DOI: 10.1002/mop.25014


  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Berndt, O.

Experimental Investigation of Naval Fan-Wire Antennas by Using Scaled 3D Plotted Electroplated Ship Models

Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference APMC 2009, Singapur, 7.-10. Dec. 2009

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/APMC.2009.5384363


  • Fickenscher, Th.

Optically Controlled Millimeter-Wave Parallel Guide Directional Coupler

Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference APMC 2008, Hong Kong, ConfProc A2-25, Dec. 2008

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/APMC.2008.4957944

  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Berndt, O. ; Zhao, S.

Fächerdrahtantennen mit verteilter Bedämpfung als breitbandige HF-Schiffsantennen

RADCOM 2008, Hamburg, 2.-3. April 2008

  • Berndt, O. ; Gruzewski, S. ; Fickenscher, Th.

3D Plotted Scaled Electroplated Ship Models for Broadband Shipboard HF Antenna Measurements from 0.4 – 6 GHz

German Microwave Conference GeMic 2008, Hamburg, Germany, 10.-12. March 2008, ITG Fachbericht, 344-347

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5757048/


  • Fickenscher, Th.

Laser-Controlled Coupling Structures for MMW and SubMMW Applications

APMC 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, 11.-14. Dec. 2007, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Vol. 1, 233-235

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/APMC.2007.4554573

  • Berndt, O. ; Fickenscher, Th.

Fourier Series Analysis of Damped Broadband Monopole Antenna

IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation in Honululu, Hawaii, USA, 10.-15. June 2007, 3872-3875

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/APS.2007.4396385

  • Berndt, O. ; Fickenscher, Th.

HF Breitbandantenne mit kontinuierlich verteilter Bedämpfung

RADCOM 2007, Hamburg, 21.-22. March 2007

  • Berndt, O. ; Fickenscher, Th.

HF Broadband Antenna with Distributed Damping

Tenth Australian Symposium of Antennas, CSIRO ICT Centre, Sydney, Feb. 2007, p. 29

  • Fickenscher, Th.

Theoretical and Experimental Results of Aperture Coupling Between Image Guides

IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 1 (2007), No. 5, 1042-1045

DOI     http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4368225

  • Fickenscher, Th.

Experimental Investigation of Photonic Millimeter-Wave Beam-Splitter-Type Coupler in Image Guide Technology

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 49 (2007), No. 10, 2526-2530


  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Schwolen, A.

Theoretical and experimental results of MMW plasma gratings in silicon-quartz image guide technology

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 48 (2006), 1928-1932

DOI: 10.1002/mop.21835


  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Schwolen, A.

Experimental Verification of Nonuniform Plasma Layer Model for Quartz-Silicon Image Guide Phase Shifters

IEEE Trans. MTT-53 (2005), Nr. 7, 2375-2382

DOI     http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMTT.2005.850440


  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Schwolen, A.

Nonuniform Layer Model of an Image Guide Millimeter-Wave Phase Shifter

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 41 (2004), 486-490

DOI: 10.1002/mop.20180

  • Fickenscher, Th.

Optically Controlled Broadband Millimeter Wave Beam-Splitter-Type Coupler

Int. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 25, No. 3 (2004), 553-567

DOI: 10.1023/B:IJIM.0000019321.25685.a9


  • Fickenscher, Th. ; Schwolen, A.

Periodic Structure Photoexcitation of a GaAs Image Guide for Selective Optoelectronic MMW Control

Frequenz 57 (2003), 152-156

DOI: 10.1515/FREQ.2003.57.7-8.152

  • Fickenscher, Th.

A Refined Model for the Analysis of the Coupling Behavior of Photonic Millimeter Wave Beam-Splitter-Type Couplers

Frequenz 57 (2003), 97-103

DOI: 10.1515/FREQ.2003.57.5-6.97


  • Fickenscher, Th.

Analysis of an Optically Controlled Beam-Splitter Integrated into Dielectric and Image Guides with Low Dielectric Constant

Frequenz 56 (2002), 139-143

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Letzte Änderung: 26. November 2018