- Umfang: 2V, 2Ü, 4 CP
- Dozent: Meywerk und Mitarbeiter
- Studiengang: Bachelor Engineering Science
- Termin: Herbtstrimester
- Sprache: English
- Literatur: Meywerk, M.: Vehicle Dynamics, Wiley, 2015
- Driving Resistances: Rolling, grade, acceleration, aerodynamic drag
- Slip: tractive force, force coefficient
- Power demand, limits
- Clutch, transmission
- Front/rear weights
- Mechatronics systems: ABS. ACC
- Trafficability: geometric aspect
- Soils and their grain size distributions, influence of the moisture content
- Mechanical properties of soils
- Cone index, vehicle cone Index, rating cone index
Letzte Änderung: 23. März 2021