The tire test rig is used for research of the stationary and instationary characteristics of tires. It is possible to operate up to four passenger-car wheels or two truck wheels simultaneously. Due to the servohydraulic actuators, the dynamic operation of all relevant parameters such as wheel load, slip angle and camber are possible. Therefore, the test rig can be implemented into a HiL-Simulation environment. Axle-kinematic as well as elasto-kinemtic effects can be considered in the simulation.
Vertical dynamic effects as spring and damping characteristics as well as the rolling resistance can be measured. A five component measuring hub is suitable to measure wheel load, tangential force, circumferential force, restoring torque and camber torque. Under dynamic driving conditions the inertia effects of the test rig will be compensated.
Furthermore, measurements for tyre model parametrisations (FTire, Pacejka) including cleat tests.

Test Rig Data
- Drum diameter: 2500 mm
- Drum width: 1100 mm
- Power: 460 kW
- Max. velocity: 250 km/h
- Wheel load: 10 kN (passenger) 40 kN (commercial)
- Slip angle: ± 45° (passenger) ± 15° (commercial)
- Max. control velocity slip angle: 60°/s
- Camber: ± 15°
- Max. control velocity camber angle: 20°/s
Letzte Änderung: 25. March 2021