Several test facilities are available for dynamic tests of componentes and materials. The areas of velocities, energies, and forces are similar to car crash events. The test facilities can be modified for testing of different aspects, therefore, the data and applications on the following pages are examples and can be modified.

Crash Sled Test Facility
On the sled test facility small to medium size components can be investigated with crash similar loads (up to 20 m/s impact velocity; up to 159 kJ kinetic energy).

Drop Tower
In the drop tower small components can be investigated with crash-similar loads (up to 10 m/s impact velocity; up to 2.5 kJ kinetic energy; drop weight 10 – 50 kg).

Crush Test Facility
In the crush facility medium sized components can be tested with load up to 660 kN.

High Strain Rate Tensile Tests
With this test facility high strain material tensile tests can be done in velocity areas of 10 m/s to 20 m/s (corresponding to strain rates in dependanec of the specimen geometry).
Letzte Änderung: 23. March 2021