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Dynamical Driving Simulator

The following investigations are carried out and the following aspects are examined with the dynamic driving simulator: Influence of active body control on people, detection of eye movements when driving a vehicle, physiological and mental stress when driving a vehicle, control behavior of people when steering a vehicle, influence of movement information on the direction of travel, impairment of the reaction and control behavior of the vehicle driver due to fatigue, alcohol, medication or an abundance of information, the effect of vibrations on people, ergonomics in the vehicle interior, visibility, as well as entry and exit conditions for special vehicles, driving training on simulators. The motion plattform consists of a hexpod system and additional a yaw table and a liner actuator, therefore, it has eight degrees of freedom.

Test Rig Data

  • Longitudinal (surge): ± 0.48 m (± 0.75 m); ± 0.60 m/s; ± 7.0 m/s2
  • Lateral (sway): ± 1.17 m (± 0.75 m); ± 0.60 m/s; ± 7.0 m/s2
  • Vertical (heave): – 0.31 / + 0.35 m; ± 0.50 m/s; ± 7.0 m/s2
  • Roll: ± 21.5°;  ± 30 °/s; > 140 °/s2
  • Pitch: – 23.6° / + 27.4°; ± 30 °/s; > 140 °/s2
  • Yaw:  ± 23.7° (unlimited);  ± 30 °/s; > 140 °/s2
  • Numbers in backets: including yaw table and lateral linear actuator

Letzte Änderung: 25. March 2021