Successful studies

Tip 1: Successful study

You are a freshman and want to make it?
Then follow this important tip!

Tip 2: Time management

How much time does it actually take to study?
What does a typical week look like?

Tip 3: Looking for the right help

Where can you find help in your studies?
The answer is very simple!

Tip 4: The perfect collection of formulas

Is there a perfect formulary for your studies? Yes!
Just one small step and you have it!!

More information about the basics of electrical engineering can be found on this wonderful YouTube channel

Preparation for the study

In the initial phase of the program, all students are supervised by mentors in small groups. Together, you polish up school knowledge in the area of mathematics. Working and learning techniques of individual and group work are taught to you and form the basis for study success.

Academic year divided into trimesters

A trimester lasts 12 weeks, and the academic year consists of three trimesters, followed by a three-month lecture-free period. Because a trimester is approximately two weeks shorter than an average semester at a public university, the number of hours per week that an HSU student spends in classes is slightly increased, so that a trimester is equivalent in length to a semester.

Master’s degree in four years

The standard period of study is seven trimesters for all Bachelor’s programs and five trimesters for all Master’s programs. Together, this corresponds to exactly four years.
All programs are intensive courses, i.e. up to 75 ECTS credits can be earned per academic year, whereas at public universities only up to 60 credits per year are the norm.


Letzte Änderung: 1. August 2022