The Professorships for Electrical Energy Systems (Prof. Dr.–Ing. Detlef Schulz) and Werkstofftechnik (Prof. Dr.–Ing. Thomas Klassen) of Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, together with Altran Deutschland S.A.S. & Co. KG have raised around six million euros in research funding for hydrogen research at the Hamburg site. “HyReflexS” deals with hydrogen-based emergency power supply with integrated control power plant by means of flexible sector coupling and metal hydride storage.
In the interdisciplinary research project “HyReflexS”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the use of modern hydrogen technologies in sector coupling is being researched at the HSU. The industrial partners involved are Altran Deutschland S.A.S. & Co. KG as direct partners and Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH, Gasnetz Hamburg GmbH and Hamburger Hochbahn AG as associated partners. Within the framework of the project, which has a duration of 3 years, novel switchable systems based on PEM fuel cells and electrolysers will be developed and used for the coupling of the electricity and gas sectors. For this purpose, a virtual integration into the control systems of the research partners will be carried out for the first time. This will be complemented by research into innovative metal hydride storage systems and compressors, which will enable an additional increase in efficiency through heat coupling. The goal of the project is a demonstrator for a redesign of emergency power systems of large electric consumers, such as depots of electric buses. The novel approach results in multiple potentials for load curve smoothing, peak load reduction and more efficient use of renewable generators. In addition, the coupling of the electricity and gas sectors enables an increase in supply security and capacity, which also opens up new economic potential.
Note: Within the framework of the HyReflexS project, the professorships Schulz [here] and Klassen [here] are still searching for personnel reinforcement.