
Manolika, M., Wagner, V., & Jacobsen, T. (accepted). Feeling Blue? Arts Attendance as a Moderator of the Effect of Neuroticism on Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Two National Panel Studies. Current Psychology.

Manolika, M. (2023). The Big Five and beyond: Which personality traits do predict movie and reading preferences? Psychology of Popular Media, 12(2), 197–206. [full text] [doi]

Manolika, M., & Baltzis, A. (2022). Concert Hall, Museum, Cinema, and Theater Attendance: What Difference Do Audience Motivations and Demographics Make? Empirical Studies of the Arts, 40(1), 37–56. [doi]

Manolika, M., & Baltzis, A. (2021). The Interplay of Personal Values and Uses of Music in Explaining Music Listener Preferences. Psychology of Music. Advance online publication. [doi]

Manolika, M., Kotsakis, R., Matsiola, M., & Kalliris, G. (2021). Direct and Indirect Associations of Personality with Audiovisual Technology Acceptance through General Self-Efficacy. Psychological Reports. Advance online publication. [abstract] [doi]

Manolika, M., Baltzis, A., & Gardikiotis, A. (2021). Individual Differences in Music Listener Motivations: The Neglected Values. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 39(1), 17–35. [doi]

Goulaptsi, I., Manolika, M., & Tsourvakas, G. (2020). What Matters Most for Museums? Individual and Social Influences on Employees’ Innovative Behaviour. Museum Management and Curatorship, 35(2), 182–195. [doi]

Manolika, M., & Baltzis, A. (2020). The Pleasure of Curiosity? Exploring Motives for Cultural Consumption. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 25(1), 1–11. [doi]


Letzte Änderung: 5. June 2024