EU-Project stoRE “Facilitating energy storage to allow high penetration of intermittent renewable energy”

Contract-Nr.: IEE/10/222
Duration 1.5.2011 – 30.04.2014


stoRE aims to facilitate the realization of the ambitious objectives for renewable energy by unlocking the potential for energy storage infrastructure. Energy storage, as part of an integrated approach including grid reinforcement and demand management helps accommodate higher percentages of intermittent renewable energy by balancing the supply and demand and improving the power quality.

stoRE will deal with the non-technological barriers to energy storage, creating the right regulatory and market conditions that will give incentives for the development of energy storage infrastructure to the extent necessary for the accommodation of the planned renewable energy installations to the electricity grid.

A consensus among all key actors will be reached about the necessary adaptation of the European Energy framework and policies, developing concrete recommendations and plan their implementation. Similar work will be done in the six target countries (Germany, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Denmark and Austria), leading to improvements of the policies, legislation and market mechanisms.

The possible positive and negative impacts of the different energy storage options on the environment will be also assessed and the considerations of the relevant actors will be taken into account. Finally, consultation processes, policy debates and communication activities will ensure that the project is open to all key actors and target groups, with results representing the whole energy sector and the society.

Contact partner:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Detlef Schulz (project manager)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Electrical Power Systems



Letzte Änderung: 28. May 2021