
The chair of Electrical Power Systems uses classical methods of power engineering as well as adapted strategies for the grid integration of decentralized power plants with renewable sources. A focus lies on the integration of energy converters and the resulting topics “grid identification” and “future grid operation with decentralized power generation”. These issues are part of the interdisciplinary research cluster “Sustainable Power Supply”, in which the chair of Electrical Power Systems is significantly involved. There are numerous research projects in the field of grid impedance measurement on low-voltage, medium-voltage and high-voltage level as well as in the integration of energy storage in power grids.

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Another joined interdisciplinary research cluster at Helmut Schmidt University is “Aeronautics Research”. Topics with the subject sustainability, which the chair of Electrical Power Systems deals with in this cluster, are developments for future onboard grids of aircraft, including the integration of fuel cells.

The scientific spectrum of the professorship includes measurements with corresponding simulations as well as the development of new simulation tools for special operating cases in power grids.

The Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg elected Prof. Schulz in 2011 as a Full member. His task is to strengthen the focus of the Academy in the field of energy research.

Since 2019 he is a spokesman of the working group “Hydrogen for the North German Energy System“.® – Centre for Digitilisation and Technology Research of the Federal Armed Forces

Within the broader frame of the Centre for Digitilisation and Technology Research of the Federal Armed Forces of Germany (“Zentrum für Digitalisierungs- und Technologieforschung der Bundeswehr”) – “” – the group for Electrical Power Systems is involved in the four projects EMob, CoupleIT!, DNeD und RISK.twin. An overview of and links to the four projects are available here: projects with the group for Electrical Power Systems

Interdisciplinary Research Cluster at Helmut Schmidt University

The chair of Electrical Power Systems takes part in the following research clusters of HSU:

Research areas of the Department of Electrical Power Systems

Research Collaborations

Laboratory and Research Equipment

International Cooperation

Other Services

  • Conduct scientific studies
  • Metrological assignment of network disturbances
  • Analysis of power failures / supply interruptions
  • Fault measurements with a scientific character
  • Measuring programs in sensitive consumer structures
  • Long-term measurements of network perturbations
  • Modeling of operating states and errors in networks
  • Scientific consulting services
  • Preparation of reports
  • Energy days at schools

Letzte Änderung: 15. July 2024