2nd workshop
For the sake of presenting the latest research findings in the area of AI-application and the fostering of networking amongst scientists the second AI-workshop Digitalization and AI Use in the Research Area ‘Energy and Digitalization‘ was held.
15/12/2022 –
4th doctoral colloquium with the group for Electrical Power Systems
Our 4th doctoral colloquium „Mein Weg zur Promotion“ (engl. “my way to the PhD”) provides our own as well as external PhD students with the opportunity to present their research topics by virtue of oral presentations with subsequent discussions. The main priority lies with the current state of every participant’s respective research activities.
28/11/2022 –
4th RISK.twin workshop at University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Two of our researchers took part in the 4th in Neubiberg in Bavaria, Germany. On the first day, Christoph Müller and Michael Langerbeins from the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) (engl. German Aerospace Center) gave a talk entitled “Von der Ostsee bis in den Weltraum – der Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen” (engl. “From the Baltic Sea into Space – How to Protect Critical Infrastructure”; own translation). The DLR cooperates with RISK.twin. On the second day, a colloquium with ensuing discussion was hosted during which the research assistants and PhD students presented their research topics and results.
1st workshop
A twin workshop covering the two topics of Energy and Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence
This 1st workshop, hosted by the group for Electrical Power Systems, took place on October 26th 2022 at HSU Hamburg as a hybrid event, i. e. in person and online. The workshop was conceived as twin workshop, dealing with the topics of Energie Energy and Digitalisation in the morning followed by the topic of Artificial Intelligence in the afternoon.
Further information pertaining to this workshop can be gathered following this link:
1st workshop
January 1st 2021 – December 31st 2024
Project Description
Project RISK.twin is a joint project between the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, which assumes the project lead, and the University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (HSU).
The project is comprised of several work packages, of which work package 3 (WP3) is going to be detailed here. In WP3 “Intelligente Prozesse in der Wasseraufbereitung / Energie” (engl. “Intelligent processes in wastewater treatment / energy”) a physical pilot plant for (waste)water treatment including accompanying sensors and analytics is being planned and constructed on the premises of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. Failure cases affecting technical infrastructure especially caused by climate change and the transition of the energy system are first defined and then countered by adjusting process parameters within the plant. This is done by consideration of the underlying requirements pertaining to energy management. The various process parameters serve the purposes of, one, feeding a dynamic simulation and, two, support a data-driven AI-bases analysis that, in turn, is the basis for the digital twin. In parallel, a control and energy management system for (waste)water treatment plants will be designed, constructed, and tested. This entails characterisation and classification of all electrical loads as well as the incorporation of the signals emanating from all controllable components and interfaces to be bundled up in a virtual control centre. This will lead to a distributed control and energy management system and the simulation of relevant failure scenarios. The following depiction provides a concise overview of the envisaged concept.

The chair of Electrical Power Systems at HSU models a distributed control and energy management system that allows of the simulation in real time of potential failure cases and their analysis.
For further information follow the link to the project’s main page: RISK.twin main page.
Pankow, N.; Niemann, A.; Frehmann, T.; Tatàno, F.
7. JSWA/EWA/WEF-Fachkonferenz „Resilienz in den Wasserdienstleistungen“
In: KA Korrespondenz Abwasser Abfall, Hennef, March 2023
vol. 70, no. 3, p. 167-171, ISSN 1866-0029
Pankow, N.; Krause, S.; Schaum, C.
Approach for Risk Assessment of Water Resource Recovery Facilities
In: 7th JSWA/EWA/WEF Specialty Conference: “Resilience of Water Service”
Japan Sewage Works Association (JSWA), Sendai, 15th – 17th November 2022
Download of presentation here:
Chalupczok, S.; Pankow, N.; Hubert, C.; Krause, S.; Schaum, C.
Energie- und Risikomanagement auf Kläranlagen
In: wwt modernisierungsreport, Frankfurt am Main, November 2022
vol. 2022/23, p. 28-33, ISSN 1438-5716
Chalupczok, S.; Pankow, N.; Krause, S.; Schaum, C.; Jebali ep Samet, M.; Wienken, H.; Schulz, D.
Von der Realität zum (hybriden) digitalen Zwilling: Intelligente Prozesse in der Wasseraufbereitung
In: Hamburger Beiträge zum technischen Klimaschutz – Stand der Technik und Digitalisierung bei integrierten Energiesystemen, Sektorenkopplungs- und Mobilitätstechnologien
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr, Professur für Elektrische Energiesysteme, Hamburg, December 2021
vol. 3, p. 29-34, ISSN (print) 2698-8798, ISBN (print) 978-3-86818-250-7, ISSN (online) 2698-8801, ISBN (online) 978-3-86818-251-4, DOI: 10.24405/13945
Letzte Änderung: 20. April 2023