Welcome at HSU-Dataport. The HSU-Dataport is a public platform for publishing and hosting your scientific datasets in the domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The platform’s main focus lies on datasets from Cyber-Physical Systems and Cyber-Physical Production Systems. Prospectively, the HSU-Dataport will be extended to other domains and research topics.
Find suitable datasets from Cyber-Physical System or Cyber-Physical Production System domain.
Publish your own dataset. The HSU-Dataport is designed as public platform with quality control. Access and publishing has a low-threshold and can be easily done. We are happy about your contribution.
Link your research with available datasets to boost the scope of your research or dataset.
The HSU-Dataport is an initiative of the Professorship of Informatics in Mechanical Engineering at the Helmut-Schmidt University in Hamburg. Reach and follow us here: