Welcome at the HSU-Dataport


Welcome at HSU-Dataport. The HSU-Dataport is a public platform for publishing and hosting your scientific datasets in the domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The platform’s main focus lies on datasets from Cyber-Physical Systems and Cyber-Physical Production Systems. Prospectively, the HSU-Dataport will be extended to other domains and research topics.


Find datasets

Find suitable datasets from Cyber-Physical System or Cyber-Physical Production System domain.

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Contribute your own datasets

Publish your own dataset. The HSU-Dataport is designed as public platform with quality control. Access and publishing has a low-threshold and can be easily done. We are happy about your contribution.


Apply datasets

Link your research with available datasets to boost the scope of your research or dataset.

The HSU-Dataport is an initiative of the Professorship of Informatics in Mechanical Engineering at the Helmut-Schmidt University in Hamburg. Reach and follow us here: