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- Studies of mathematics at the Technical Universities of Chemnitz and Novosibirsk from 1984 until 1990, MSc.
- PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Statistics with “Quasistationary CUSUM schemes for Erlang distribution”, Technical University Chemnitz, 1995.
- Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) in Statistics and Econometrics with “Statistical Process Control (SPC)”, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), 2003.
- Research Assistant at Chair of Statistics, Mathematics department, Technical University Chemnitz, 1990, 1991-1994.
- Research Assistant at institute of Biostatistics, department of Medicine, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, 1991, 1995-1996.
- Research Assistant at Chair of Statistics, Economics department, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), 1996-2004.
- Senior SPC Engineer at Advanced Mask Technology Center (AMTC) Dresden (Photomask shop, semiconductor industry), 2004-2009.
- Professor, since April 2009 at HSU
Publications since 2016
- Knoth, Saleh, Mahmoud, Woodall & Tercero-Gómez (2021)
A Critique of a Variety of “Memory-Based”Process Monitoring Methods.
Journal of Quality Technology, accepted — arXiv. - Knoth, Tercero-Gómez, Khakifirooz & Woodall (2021)
The Impracticality of Homogeneously Weighted Moving Average and Progressive Mean Control Chart Approaches.
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 37(8), 3779–3794 or online. - Knoth (2021)
On the Calculation of the ARL for Beta EWMA Control Charts.
In Knoth & Schmid (eds.): Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 13, 25-44 or online. - Morais, Knoth, Cruz & Weiß (2021)
ARL-Unbiased CUSUM Schemes to Monitor Binomial Counts.
In Knoth & Schmid (eds.): Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 13, 77-98 or online. - Knoth, Woodall & Tercero-Gómez (2021)
The case against generally weighted moving average (GWMA) control charts.
Quality Engineering — online or arXiv. - Knoth (2021)
Steady-State Average Run Length(s) — Methodology, Formulas and Numerics.
Sequential Analysis 40(3), 405–426 or online. - Knoth (2021)
Controlling the exponentially weighted moving average S² control chart false alarm behavior when the in-control variance level must be estimated.
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 37(4), 725–743 or arXiv. - Ottenstreuer, Weiß & Knoth (2021)
Control charts for monitoring a Poisson hidden Markov process.
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 37(2), 484–501 or online. - Testik, Kara & Knoth (2020)
An algorithmic approach to outlier detection and parameter estimation in phase I for designing phase II EWMA control chart.
Computers & Industrial Engineering 144(106440), 1–14 or online. - Morais & Knoth (2020)
Improving the ARL profile and the accuracy of its calculation for Poisson EWMA charts.
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 36(3), 876–889 or online. - Gan, Yuen & Knoth (2020)
Quicker detection risk-adjusted cumulative sum charting procedures.
Statistics in Medicine 39(7), 875–889 or online. - Berlemann, Freese & Knoth (2020)
Dating the Start of the U.S. House Price Bubble — An Application of Statistical Process Control.
Empirical Economics 58(5), 2287–2307 or online. - Knoth, Wittenberg & Gan (2019)
Risk-adjusted CUSUM charts under model error.
Statistics in Medicine 38(12), 2206–2218 or online. - Paulino, Morais & Knoth (2019)
On ARL-unbiased c-charts for INAR(1) Poisson counts.
Statistical Papers 60(4), 1021–1038 or online. - Ottenstreuer, Weiß & Knoth (2019)
A combined Shewhart-{CUSUM} chart with switching limit.
Quality Engineering 31(2), 255–268 or online. - Morais, Knoth & Weiß (2018)
An ARL-unbiased Thinning-based EWMA Chart to Monitor Counts.
Sequential Analysis 37(4), 487–510 or online. - Knoth (2018)
The Steady-State Behavior of Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts.
Sequential Analysis 37(4), 511–529 or arXiv. - Tran & Knoth (2018)
Steady-state ARL analysis of ARL-unbiased EWMA-RZ control chart monitoring the ratio of two normal variables.
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 34(3), 377–390 or online. - Wittenberg, Gan & Knoth (2018)
A simple signaling rule for variable life-adjusted display derived from an equivalent risk-adjusted CUSUM chart.
Statistics in Medicine 37(16), 2455–2473 or online. - Morais & Knoth (2018)
On ARL-unbiased charts to monitor the traffic intensity of a single server queue.
In Knoth & Schmid (eds.): Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 12, 87–112 or online. - Knoth (2018)
New results for two-sided CUSUM-Shewhart control charts.
In Knoth & Schmid (eds.): Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 12, 45–63 or online. - Knoth (2017)
ARL Numerics for MEWMA Charts.
Journal of Quality Technology 49(1), 78–89 or online. - Dasdemir, Weiß, Testik & Knoth (2016)
Evaluation of Phase I analysis scenarios on Phase II performance of control charts for autocorrelated observations.
Quality Engineering 28(3), 293–304 or online. - Fichte, Knoth, Potthast, Schaarschmidt, Sabath & Stiemer (2016)
Application of generalized linear models to evaluate nuclear EMP tests.
IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — online. - Paulino, Morais & Knoth (2016)
An ARL-unbiased c-chart.
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 32(8), 2847–2858 or online. - Knoth (2016)
The case against the use of synthetic control charts.
Journal of Quality Technology 48(2), 178–195 or online.
Letzte Änderung: 12. December 2024