Participants and Projects

Educational Psychology

Executive Functions and ADHD

Cognitive Abilities and Processes in Specific Learning Disorder

Social Psychology

A Unimodel Approach to Social Judgment

Phoneme Perception Can Affect Social Evaluations and Behavior

Department for Work, Organizational and Business Psychology

Effects of affective subunit and organizational commitment on the management of intergroup conflict within the organization

Exploring Leadership Motivation

Leadership development

Effektive Risikokommunikation (ERika)

Department for Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment

  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Y. Herzberg
High sensibility
Experimental Psychology Unit

Sensory, Post-Perceptual, and Hemisphere-Specific Adjustment to Conflict Stimulation

Preparation of Task Processing/Cognitive Control in Response to Conflicting S-R Translation

Pre-attentive phonotactic processing

Effektive Risikokommunikation (ERika)

Clinical Psychology

Expectations regarding discontinuation of long-term antidepressant medication (ELA)

Antidepressant discontinuation under medical and psychological supervision -Efficacy of open-label-placebos in the treatment of antidepressant discontinuation symptoms (FAB)

Informed Consent for Psychotherapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial evaluating the Efficacy of an Optimized Informed Consent on Treatment Expectations and Capacity to Consent (ICPT)

Modifiable Factors of Somatic Symptom Persistence in Patients with Somatic Symptom Disorder (MESOB)

Disentangling pharmacologic and expectation effects in antidepressant discontinuation – a randomized, balanced open-hidden trial (PHEA)

The Role Of eXpectations on complaints and WELL-being after endometriosis surgery (ROXWELL)

Effektive Risikokommunikation (ERika)

Volkswirtschaftslehre, insb. Behavioral Economics

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Traub
Climate-induced economic risks and cooperative behavior: An experimental analysis

Need-based Redistribution as a Social Contract

Effektive Risikokommunikation (ERika)


Letzte Änderung: 8. March 2022