Vocational and Business Education / Business Education

Head: Prof. Dr. Tobias Schlömer

The chair of Vocational and Business Education with a focus on Business Education deals in research and teaching with the vocational education and training of young people and adults in the context of vocational orientation, vocational preparation, vocational training and continuing vocational education and training. We focus on company-based, inter-company and school-based places of learning. In our work we deal with questions of the acquisition of vocational knowledge and skills, the development of human resources, the professionalization of teaching staff, the curricular and regulatory development of occupations (especially in commercial occupations) as well as the development of innovation and entrepreneurship education. In research and teaching, we place particular emphasis on the transition to sustainable development and digital transformation. Occupations, work and VET processes are closely related to these transformations and can be an expression of and a space for shaping these transformations. We investigate these relationships using qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research in both basic and applied studies. 

The professorship focuses on  

  • Empirical teaching-learning research and diagnostics, in particular in commercial vocational training  
  • Vocational education for sustainable management  
  • Digital transformation in business and professions   
  • Professionalization of teachers and trainers  
  • Curriculum development in commercial education