Jiayin Li-Gottwald

vorläufig nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail
- Habilitationsvorbereitung: Die Transnationalität und Digitalisierung im interkulturellen Kontext in Deutschland.
- Post-Doc und Projektmanagerin im Projekt “Crowdwork und Crowdworker vor, während und nach der beruflichen Ausbildung – Kompetenz-/Subjektivierungseffekte, individuelle Beruflichkeit und lernförderliche Plattformgestaltung” an der Professur Berufs- und Betriebspädagogik an der Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften der Helmut Schmidt Universität
- Post-Doc im DFG-Projekt „Wandel und Dynamik der familiären Generationenbeziehungen im Kontext von Flucht und Asyl (DyFam)“ im Fachgebiet Sozialisation mit dem Schwerpunkt Migration und Interkulturelle Bildung, Universität Kassel
- Dozentin an der Universität Kassel
- Associate Academic am Institute of Education, University College London, UK
- Ph.D. am Institute of Education, University College London, UK
- M.A. in Management, York Management School, University of York, UK
- M.A. in Educational Studies, Department of Education, University of York, UK
- B.A. in Management, University of Leeds, UK
Li-Gottwald, J., Westphal, M., Aden, S., Korn, F. (2024) Family generational relations and transnationality in the context of refuge and asylum – a methodological reflection. In Bollig & Groß (eds) Doing and Making Family in, with and through Education and Social Work. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
Li-Gottwald, J. (2024) The Meaning Making of Multicultural and Multilingual Space: Reflections on Non-linguistic Communication in Migrant research in 18th International Pragmatics Conference book.
Li-Gottwald, J. (2023) The Formation of Parental Social Space in a Community School in Berlin. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. (Peer Reviewed)
Li-Gottwald, J. (2023) Soziale nachhaltige Entwicklung – ein Fall einer Migrantenselbstorganisation in Deutschland in Alisch & Westphal (eds). Soziale Nachhaltigkeit in der Migration Gesellschaft. Berlin: Budrich Academic Press.
Li-Gottwald, J. (2022) Chinese Migrant Parents and Complementary Schooling in Germany: A Sociolinguistic Ethnography. Berlin: Budrich Academic Press. (Monography)
Li-Gottwald, J. (2020) The Negotiation of Chinese Migrant Parents’ Social Relations and their Social Status. PhD thesis, UCL library open access
Westphal, M., Korn, F., Li-Gottwald, J., Adam, S. (Forthcoming) Growing up transnationally – transnational family practices and upbringing in the context of flight and migration. Families, Relationships and Societies. (Peer Reviewed)
Li-Gottwald, J. (in review) Spatiality, Marginality, and Interculturality in an Intercultural-Ethnographic Study. The Language of Marginality and Subjectivity. (Peer Reviewed)
Li-Gottwald, J. (in review) The Chinese Cultural, Social, and Identity Dynamics in the Process of Family Upbringing among Four bi-cultural Families in Germany. Journal of Chinese overseas. (Peer Reviewed)
Li-Gottwald, J. (in review) Transcultural Identities and Chinese Culture Transmission: A digital exploration among second-generation children of mixed Chinese and German heritage in Germany. Journal Diskurs
Schrooten, M., Li-Gottwald, J. Moretti, F. Cost, R. (in review) Book Review: Handbook of transnational families around the world, by Javiera Cienfuegos, Rosa Brandhorst and Deborah Fahy Bryceson (Eds.), 2023 Cham, Springer,
Li-Gottwald, J. (in review) Book review: Identity and Belonging among Chinese Canadian Youth – Racialized habitus in school, family, and Media, by Dan Cui 2024, Routledge.
Li-Gottwald, J. (in preparation) The Interculturality and the Imagined Transnationality on Digital Working platform.
Li-Gottwald, J. (in preparation) Posthuman Approach in Crowdworking Research – for Future Studies.
Li-Gottwald, J. (in preparation) The Construction of the Cultural Self – a Case of Migrant Cultural Elite in Germany. Journal of Intercultural Studies.
Li-Gottwald, J. (in preparation) The Othering and Intercultural Communication in Familiar Social Event.
Letzte Änderung: 5. Februar 2025