- digitale Simulation analoger Gitarreneffekte
- verzögerungsfreie Audiocodierung
- Equalizer-Filter (siehe z.B. das Oktav-Equalizer-Applet)
- Impulsantwort-Messtechnik
- Informations- und Codierungstheorie
- Kryptologie
- Informationstechnisches Projekt (Erster Teil)
- Digital Signalverarbeitung (Übung)
- Digital Filter (Übung)
M. Holters: Revisiting the Second-Order Accurate Non-Iterative Discretization Scheme, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’24), September 2024, Guildford.
L. Köper, M. Holters: Antialiased State Trajectory Neural Networks for Virtual Analog Modeling, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’23), September 2023, Kopenhagen.
L. Köper, M. Holters, F. Esqueda, J.D. Parker: A Virtual Analog Model of the Edp Wasp VCF, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx20in22), September 2022, Wien.
M. Holters: Combined Derivative/Antiderivative Antialiasing, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx20in22), September 2022, Wien.
L. Köper, M. Holters: Taming the Red Llama—Modeling a CMOS-Based Overdrive Circuit, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’20), September 2020, Wien.
M. Holters: Antiderivative Antialiasing for Stateful Systems, Applied Sciences 2020, 10, 20.
M. Holters: Antiderivative Antialiasing for Stateful Systems, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’19), September 2019, Birmingham.
M. Holters, J.D. Parker: A Combined Model for a Bucket Brigade Device and its Input and Output Filters, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’18), September 2018, Aveiro, Portugal.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Automatic Decomposition of Non-linear Equation Systems in Audio Effect Circuit Simulation, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’17), September 2017, Edinburgh.
B. Holmes, M. Holters, M. van Walstijn: Comparison of Germanium Bipolar Junction Transistor Models for Real-time Circuit Simulation, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’17), September 2017, Edinburgh.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Circuit Simulation with Inductors and Transformers Based on the Jiles-Atherton Model of Magnetization, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’16), September 2016, Brno.
M. Fink, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Signal-Matched Power-Complentary Cross-Fading and Dry-Wet Mixing, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’16), September 2016, Brno.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: A k-d Tree Based Solution Cache for the Non-linear Equation of Circuit Simulations, Proceedings of the 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), August 2016, Budapest.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: GstPEAQ – An Open Source Implementation of the PEAQ Algorithm, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’15), Dezember 2015, Trondheim.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: A Generalized Method for the Derivation of Non-Linear State-Space Models from Circuit Schematics, Proceedings of the 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), September 2015, Nizza.
F. Eichas, M. Fink, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Physical Modeling of the MXR Phase 90 Guitar Effect Pedal, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-14), September 2014, Erlangen.
G. Simkus, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Error resilience enhancement for a robust ADPCM audio coding scheme, Proceedings of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mai 2014, Florenz.
M. Fink, S, Kraft, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Load-Balanced Implementation of a Delayless Partitioned Block Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filter, Informatik 2013, September 2013, Koblenz.
M. Fink, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Comparison of Various Predictors for Audio Extrapolation, Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-13), September 2013, Maynooth, Irland.
G. Simkus, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Error robust delay-free lossy audio coding based on ADPCM, Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-13), September 2013, Maynooth, Irland.
G. Simkus, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Ultra-low latency audio coding based on DPCM and block companding, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS) 2013, Juli 2013, Paris.
G. Simkus, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Ultra-low delay lossy audio coding using DPCM and block companded quantization, Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW) 2013, Januar 2013, Adelaide, Australien.
J. O. Hinz, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Scan-by-Scan Averaging and Adjacent Detection Merging to improve Ship Detection in HFSWR, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS) 2012, Dezember 2012, Gold Coast, Australien.
S. Kraft, M. Holters, A. von dem Knesebeck, U. Zölzer: Improved PVSOLA Time-Stretching and Pitch-Shifting for Polyphonic Audio. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’12), September 2012, York, UK.
J. Pekonen, M. Holters: Nonlinear-Phase Basis Functions in Quasi-Bandlimited Oscillator Algorithms. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’12), September 2012, York, UK.
J. Macak, M. Holters, J. Schimmel: Simulation of Fender Type Guitar Preamp using Approximation and State-Space Model. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’12), September 2012, York, UK
M. Fink, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Time-Domain Chroma Extraction. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’12), September 2012, York, UK.
J. O. Hinz, M. Holters, U. Zölzer, A. Gupta and T. Fickenscher: Presegmentation-Based Adaptive CFAR Detection for HFSWR, IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCon) 2012, May 2012, Atlanta.
M. Holters, K. Dempwolf, U. Zölzer: A Digital Emulation of the Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive Pedal Based on Physical Modeling. 131st AES Convention, Oktober 2011, New York.
K. Dempwolf, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: A Triode Model for Guitar Amplifier Simulation with Individual Parameter Fitting. 131st AES Convention, Oktober 2011, New York.
T. Fickenscher, A. Gupta, J. O. Hinz, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: MIMO Surface Wave Radar Using Time Staggered FMCW Chirp Signals, IEEE European Radar Conference (EuRAD) 2011, Oktober 2011, Manchester, UK.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Physical Modelling of a Wah-wah Effect Pedal as a Case Study for Application of the Nodal DK Method to Circuits with Variable Parts. Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-11), September 2011, Paris.
J. O. Hinz, T. Fickenscher, A. Gupta, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Evaluation of Time-Staggered MIMO FMCW in HFSWR, International Radar Symposium (IRS) 2011, Leipzig, September 2011.
B. Müller, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Low Complexity Soft-Input Soft-Output Hamming Decoder, FITCE-2011, Palermo, September 2011.
U. Zölzer, A. von dem Knesebeck, C. Hahne, T. Corbach, K. Dempwolf, M. Holters: Signal Processing for Small-Scale Public Address Systems, 18th International Congress on Sound & Vibration, Rio de Janeiro, 10.-14. Juli 2011.
K. Dempwolf, M. Holters, S. Möller, U. Zölzer: GEB1 – A Robust DSP Platform for Audio and Guitar Signal Processing in Education. EDERC 2010, Dezember 2010, Nizza.
A. Gupta, T. Fickenscher, R. Herschel, M. Holters, J.O. Hinz: Azimuth Estimation in Periodic Linear Sparse Array by Modified Amplitude Comparision Monopulse Radar. APMC 2010, Dezember 2010, Japan.
A. von dem Knesebeck, C. Hahne, T. Corbach, K. Dempwolf, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Design and Implementation of a Public Address System Optimized for Exhibition Booths. 26. VDT Tonmeistertagung, 25.-28. November 2010, Leipzig.
T. Corbach, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Filter Design for a Double Dipole Flat Panel Loudspeaker System Using Time Domain Toeplitz Equations. 129th AES Convention, November 2010, San Francisco.
T. Fickenscher, A. Gupta, R. Herschel, M. Holters, J.O. Hinz: Improved range Resolution for FMCW HF Surface Wave Radar. IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems, September 2010, Honolulu.
K. Dempwolf, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Discretization of Parametric Analog Circuits for Real-Time Simulations. DAFx-10, 06.-10. September 2010, Graz.
T. Corbach, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Controlling double dipole loudspeaker radiation by adapted input filtering . 4th International Symposium on Signal Processing, Control and Communications, 03.-05. März 2010, Limassol, Zypern.
T. Corbach, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Signal processing for plane wave actuators . Kleinheubacher Tagung (U.R.S.I.), Miltenberg, 28. September – 01. Oktober, 2009. Erschienen in Advances in Radio Science, 8, S. 109-115, 2010, Copernicus Publications.
K. Dempwolf, M. Holters, S. Möller, U. Zölzer: The Influence of Small Variations in a Simplified Guitar Amplifier Model. DAFx-09, 01.-04. September 2009, Como.
T. Corbach, A. v.d. Knesebeck, K. Dempwolf, M. Holters, P. Sorowka, U. Zölzer: Automated Equalization for Room Resonance Suppression. DAFx-09, 01.-04. September 2009, Como.
M. Holters, T. Corbach, U. Zölzer: Impulse Response Measurement Techniques and their Applicability in the Real World. DAFx-09, 01.-04. September 2009, Como.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Automatic Parameter Optimization for a Perceptual Audio Codec. ICASSP ’09, 19. – 24. April 2009, Taipeh.
M. Holters: Verzögerungsfreie Audiocodierung. Dissertation, Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg, Der Andere Verlag, ISBN 978-3-89959-833-9, 2009.
M. Holters, C. R. Helmrich, U. Zölzer: Delay-free audio coding based on ADPCM and error feedback . DAFx-08, 01.-04. September 2008, Espoo.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Delay-free Lossy Audio Coding Using Shelving Pre- and Post-filters. ICASSP ’08, 31. März – 04. April 2008, Las Vegas.
C. R. Helmrich, M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Improved Psychoacoustic Noise Shaping for Requantization of High-Resolution Digital Audio. 31. AES Conference, 25.-27. Juni 2007, London.
M. Holters, O. Pabst, U. Zölzer: ADPCM with Adaptive Pre- and Post-filtering for Delay-free Audio Coding. ICASSP ’07, 15.-20. April 2007, Honolulu.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Graphic Equalizer Design Using Higher-Order Recursive Filters . DAFx, 18.-20. September 2006, Montreal.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Parametric Higher-Order Shelving Filters. EUSIPCO, 04.-08. September 2006, Florenz.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Parametric Recursive Higher-Order Shelving Filters. Convention Paper 6722, 120. AES Convention, 20.-23. Mai 2006, Paris.
M. Holters, U. Zölzer: Parametric Recursive Higher-Order Shelving Filters. Jahrestagung Akustik DAGA, 20.-23. März 2006, Braunschweig. (Als Vortrag präsentiert.)
M. Holters, J. Peissig, F. Keiler, U. Zölzer: Compander Systems with Adaptive Preemphasis/Deemphasis using Linear Prediction. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, 2.-4. November 2005, Athen. (Als Poster präsentiert.)
Letzte Änderung: 23. September 2024