Passive Acoustic Monitoring

Voice Conversion

3D Model Reconstruction
C. de Obaldía, U. Zölzer: “Vowel Conversion by Phonetic Segmentation”, in Proc. of the 18th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-15), Nov. 30-Dec. 3 2015, Trondheim, Norway
C. de Obaldía, G. Simkus, U. Zölzer: “Estimating the number of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) individuals based on grouping of corresponding clicks”, in Proc. of the 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA 2015), March. 16-19 2015, Nurenberg, Germany
C. de Obaldía, U. Zölzer: “Estimation of the number of whale individuals based on click sounds of selected whale species”, in Proc. of the 43rd German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA 2017), March. 06-09 2017, Kiel, Germany
Supervised Thesis
Yicheng Peng: “Ship Detection, Extraction and Classification based on Satellite Images”, Studienarbeit, August 2014
Chen Cheng: “Space Carving for 3D Ship Model Building”, Studienarbeit, March 2015
Mahesh Sulugodu Manjunatha: “Orthogonal Modeling for 3D Reconstruction of Ships”, Studienarbeit, June 2015
Dennis Muller: “Voiced/Unvoiced Segmentation for Subphonetic Modeling of Speech”, Master thesis, November 2015
Aswin Sampath Kumar: “Spectrogram Segmentation for Sweep Whale Calls”, Studienarbeit, September 2016
Sumanth Kabbinale: “Convolutional Neural Networks for Spectrogram Segmentation of Whale Calls”, Master thesis, August 2017
Ankit Ghosh: “Source Separation and Echo Detection for Underwater Whale Sounds”, Master thesis, in progress
Santosh Basavaraju: “3D Modeling from single view ship Silhouttes using CNNs”, Master thesis, in progress
Praveen Krishna Murthy: “Neural Network based Matched Filters for Click Detection”, Sudienarbeit, in progress
Letzte Änderung: 22. October 2019