

View & Find for Linux using DOSBox 0.74 to launch the program.

N.B.: DOSBox is an emulator – it is not fast.
DOSEmu under Linux is more than 10 times faster:
If you can setup DOSEmu, – use this with V&F (and switch to V&FRUN.EXE
with /S parameter).

How to set-up a ready-to-run V&F:

When in Linux, open a shell (xterm).

Copy linux_tar.bz2 into your home directory.

Use bzip2 to uncompress file: bzip2 -d linux_tar.bz2.

Use tar to unarchive the file: tar -xvf linux_tar.

Make sure, directory structure is preserved (there will be an opt sub directory
in your home directory, and a viewfind directory under it).

Make sure, all the files end up in ~/opt/viewfind. If necessary, copy files manually.

Make sure, all your beta code files are under ~/opt/beta (or ~opt/viewfind/beta)
(~/opt/beta/tlg ~/opt/beta/phi53 etc.). If this is not the case, either
set appropriate symbolic links or adjust the profile.v&f file. ~/opt/beta will
be referred to as „E:“ in your DOSBox. Thus, „E:tlg“ will be the same as
~/opt/beta/tlg in your Linux directory structure ( ~ denoting your home directory).

Go to your newly created directory:

cd ~/opt/viewfind

Launch V&F

./dosbox -conf vaf.conf

There is a v&f.png icon file which you can use to create a symbolic
starter on your desktop.

Have fun, view and find Greek and Latin texts.

You will find a copy of the WIN32 betautf8.exe program enclosed which
is useful to convert V&F output to something meaningful to the OpenOffice
word processor and similar products.

In the doc sub directory, there is ample documentation. Read v&fdoc.pdf
first. If you run into problems, don’t ask me – ask your colleagues; they
can help you as little as I.

Burkhard Meißner

P.S.: Instead of DOSBox, you should use DOSEmu, if possible. I have been
using this since years with much success.
It is by far more stable and faster than DOSBox. It is, however,
more difficult to compile and set-up.

If you use VirtualBox and a FreeDOS drive image (slow, but stable), make sure you

v&frun /S

Some systems are so strange in their DOS emulation that they do not allow for the
„&“ in command lines (like UNIX systems do). If this is the case, try to rename the

mv v&frun.exe v_frun.exe

ren v&frun.exe v_frun.exe

Or else enclose the program name in quotation marks:
„./v&frun.exe /S“




Letzte Änderung: 21. März 2018